But Parliament has already adopted a resolution that expressly supports the training mission beyond July, 2011. That resolution of March, 2008, called for an end only to Canada’s presence in Kandahar. It went to say that Canada, with its allies, including Afghanistan, “must set firm targets and timelines for the training, equipping and paying of the Afghan National Army, the Afghan National Police, the members of the judicial system and the members of the correctional system.” The Canadian government’s decision to stay in Afghanistan to train soldiers is entirely consistent with that resolution. For quite a while now, Mr. Harper has given the public the impression that Canada’s military would be leaving the country entirely. But there is nothing in the resolution’s letter or spirit to suggest that.Wow. That is a strangely familiar line of dialog.
Oh right! From back in 2008, 26 months ago, when I wrote virtually the same thing and predicted exactly how Harper would mislead the public a la the Globe and Mail editorial writers' newly astute observations.
How... coincidental.
OK then. Having been involved with several meetings and having been out in the bazaars (the likes of which Harper, MacKay and the G&M are denied entry) I will have a post tomorrow which will shed even more light, present even tougher questions and make even more concrete predictions.
I may even suggest that certain editorial writers lay their dinks on the table and let me take a few swings with a ball peen hammer. (I don't do this for money. I just like to watch the elitists squirm, or scream, as the case may be.)