the gypsies' journey...

we all are gypsies of a sort wandering traveling through this life other lives space and time here there and yon on roads less traveled - following the path of the sun and the trail of the stars to worlds known and unknown from yesterday and today into tomorrow -

this is a written and visual journal of my own travels - imagined and/or real -
imagined and/or real - a STREAMOFCONSCIOUSNESS telling of my own personal thoughts feelings experiences - interspersed with words and images of others - with things defined by most as PARAnormal which - for me - all my life - have been PERFECTLYnormal -

SO come along with me and we'll dance among the stars under the sun and over the moon - we'll share our stories around the campfire - together -


My photo
A...WOMAN IN MOTION WITH HAIR AS DARK AS NIGHT HER EYES WERE LIKE THAT OF A CAT IN THE DARK... SHE WAS A GYPSYWOMAN... she danced round and round... from the fire her face was all aglow... she was dancing... dancing... waiting for the RISING SUN... loving caring relationships are like THE RISING SUN...we are nourished by their warmth...we are energized by their strength...we grow in their light...we find shelter and solace there...they are our sanctuary... born in the sign of the sun, i am a true LEO-love the sun and its hot orange red fire-passionate in and about everything i do-i believe in instant chemistry charisma love/lust at first sight-in the magic of the eyes and the beauty of the soul-in the instant recognition familiarity in meeting someone from a past life and in the knowledge that we might meet in a future life-i believe that we are each ageless and flawless-i believe in the beauty of the moment-the whisper of yesterday-the hope of tomorrow-the power of forgiveness for even ourselves-the absolute and total beauty of love---[credit to brian hyland and curtis mayfield]
Showing posts with label quantum physics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quantum physics. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


unknown - - -

it is our own!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

let's change the gulf waters...

the observer has an effect on reality - 
our thoughts have the capacity to change physical matter

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the engineering of time travel...

Once confined to 
fantasy and science fiction, 
time travel 
is now simply 
an engineering problem.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

the parallel living room...

there are probably 
other parallel universes
in our living room
this is modern physics - 
the modern interpretation 
of quantum theory - 
that many worlds 
represent reality -

Saturday, November 14, 2009

the multi of me...

do i contradict myself?
very well then -
i contradict myself -

Monday, June 15, 2009

atom to atom...

I celebrate myself,
and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

Friday, May 29, 2009

neils bohr...

...speaking of quantum mechanics and the subatomic world, stated that quantum physics is not only stranger than we think,

it is stranger than we can think.

It is the observer who creates what he 'sees'

in the quantum world,

without the observer,

there is no existence.