Showing posts with label quilting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilting. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kate Spain Quilt Top

Okay, no laughing from the "Peanut Gallery"!!! I know it's February.

The pattern is called Season's Greetings from 'Crazy Old Ladies'. And uses Kate Spain '12 Days of Christmas' collection.
This was so fun (and easy) to put together.

Merry.............February. ;-)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Next Big Project

See these 12 little flags?

They'll eventually be turned into this:

Did you notice the little flags on the star (below)? :-D

But before I can finish my flag quilt, I need to finish another one of these!!! This one below, is for a sweet friend. Go here to see the first ones I made for my daughter's wedding last Fall.
(Below), Margie took my suggestion, found here, and ran with it. Man, I'm jealous!!!

Have a good week,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

About Quilts and Closets

Are you sitting down???...because believe it or not, I finally finished the quilt top that I've been working on ever since I started Blogging a few years ago. Yippee!!!
And speaking of quilts, I've decided to store my future quilt projects on the top shelf of this closet I've been trying to organize lately. I finally found the perfect use for all those paper-type suitcases I have. (confession: you should have seen the disaster at my feet and behind me, from everything I had pulled out so I could organize!!!)
Then I decided to make tags of what project was in which suitcase.

This is a little Mary Engelbreit red and white quilt, below.
And speaking of ME...are the rest of you as guilty as I am...(see below). Ha!
Lucky me!! I just happened to be at Walmart the day they threw these onto the clearance shelf. So I picked up three at that price.

Below, is the quilt I made for my little Grandson for Christmas, to inspire him to become an Eagle Scout like his daddy one day. These fabrics are made by Robert Kaufman. They have Girl Scout fabrics too. I ordered these on the Internet from a Website called Beverly's Fabrics.

Can you read the words from the Scout Oath in that red strip of fabric, below? How great!
Daddy's quilt, below.
With an Eagle quilted on the back, which my friend Margie did for me (thanks sweet friend)!
Happy sewing!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Faux Moon...WHAT A GOOF!!!

A few friends and I went on a mini quilt retreat this past Thursday-Saturday. Below, is my "eternal quilt" (meaning it will take me an eternity to finish) that I took up to work on. I got the left border done, and started down the right. But first...the story behind the Post title!!!
The first night we were there, I tip-toed into the bathroom so as not to wake anyone up. To my surprise, there was a FULL MOON right outside our little bathroom window. I thought to myself, "I must photograph this so as to share with everyone in the morning."

However, upon closer observation...............
I discovered my "full moon" was actually a...LAMP POST!!!

I'm a dork! But it was good for a laugh the next morning when I shared my "discovery" with everyone at breakfast. (Sara, thanks for helping me get even better photos the next night.)
Okay, onto the good stuff. Cute Lori brought this adorable quilt to finish for her daughter's bedroom.
Drool, right????? : )

Next, look what Stacy made this Christmas with her glorious new Viking!!!!! What a work of art.

And look who decided to come along with all the old ladies this time. YEA... SARA!!!!! You made it twice as fun, cutie! : )
She even did some creating along with us. Here's the V-Day card she made for "you-know-who"...
And just so she didn't get kicked off the team, Sara used the sewing machine...on her card. : )
Sara was our trip-photographer, so she was clicking away during the drive, both ways.

As if the "faux moon story" weren't enough goofiness, we had to add a little more on the way home. Lori brought an old quilt to repair with her on this trip. On the way home, it blew off and we had to turn around and pick it up off the side of the freeway. Do we know how to have fun or what??? !!!
Lori, is this where you said, "Our little secret, right?" Hee-hee!
Margie, you're the Queen of Fun! Thanks for all the planning.
Thanks for a great time, girls.