Saturday, October 22, 2011

reminiscing thought: Santa & the Tooth Fairy

(warning: if young, believing eyes are around you, tell them to avert their eyes!)

A while back, I had started  a series of posts...err, a  post to be more exact; the whole series of posts concept is still under construction. 


The "column" as Kyle had so elegantly deemed it was titled: Reminiscing Thought; a way for me to document past memories before I  became senile and lose all the little treasures.

Tonight's post is titled: Santa & the Tooth Fairy and oh how I desire that it was one of sugar plum fairies and $20 early morn surprises! But alas, I was born to loving immigrant parents who grew up with the Chupacabra and a Papa Noel who didn't show up until January.

the haters; (image via pinterest)
It was Christmas Eve and the night was coming to an end. I set out chocolate chip cookies and milk for Jolly ol' Saint Nick. For Rudolf and his buddies, I had set out a separate plate full of veggie goodness; lettuce and carrots if I remember correctly. I could hardly sleep that night as I anticipated seeing if Santa and the reindeers had enjoyed the snacks I had left out for them. The morning came and as I raced to the living room, my joyful anticipation suddenly turned to bitter disappointment. There they were, both plates without a single bite taken out of the veggies or cookies; the milk without a single sip drunk from it.

I remember thinking a myriad of things: "Santa must have a preference for home-made cookies". Mine were store-bought. "Rudolf sure is a picky eater". I remember feeling a little disappointed. And I remember never setting out cookies for those picky-eaters again.

the crook (image via google)
As if that tragedy wasn't enough, the freaken Tooth Fairy ended up being a cheating criminal! On several  occasions, I put various little teeth underneath my pillow with the (once again) delightful anticipation of cashing in with my pearly whites. I placed the tooth perfectly in the middle of the pillow so she wouldn't have to go looking too hard for it. But wouldn't you believe it? Not only was there NO MONEY the next morning, but my tooth would be gone too!

Talk about a freaken rip-off. The T-Fairy and I weren't exactly cool after that, so there's a good possibility I have a small bag of baby teeth somewhere in my parents house.

Now, I love my parents; good people. But talk about messed up. In hindsight, all they had to do was take one bite, or one sip, or slip one dollar, quarter, nickel! By the end of it, I would have been completely content with a nickel. But just to prove that I did in fact have a good childhood-and to keep anyone from calling social services-here is photographic proof

A picture of a picture on the tv; me (left) and my lil' sis back in the good ol days


Topsy and Havoc said...

first and most importantly: that picture is the absolute most cute, hilarious picture i've ever seen.
second, that story was almost a little too disappointing even for me (who never got a chance to believe in anything because my older siblings told me the truth as soon as i was old enough to understand)

Andrea said...

Dont forget the Easter Bunny that didnt eat our Carrots!! But true to say that regardless of knowing that none of those fairies existed at a VERY young age, we still had an AMAZING childhood! :) Love you sister bear