"Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love." ~Mildred B. Vermont~
Showing posts with label journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journal. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2009

Stake Conference Experienced...

We had a very nice and spiritual experienced yesterday when we went to church. Well, I say always, but this time is different because it was a two hour long of listening to church leaders such as Stake President, Auxiliary leaders, Temple President and his wife and of course, a member of the Seventy, Elder Eyring. I think he is related to President Eyring who is the Second Counselor in the First Presidency. Anyway, the talks given includes: Prayer, Young Men and the Aaronic Priesthood, Church attendance every Sunday, temple attendance, primary children and leaders, ... We were glad that Jacob were so behave! This is one of the things I love about him; he loves going to church and attending his class during sunday school and sharing time. He also loves watching church video and like to become a Nephite warrior like Ammon. I hope he would continue to feel that way and would gain his own testimony instead of a borrowed testimony. Anyway, I am always amaze how the talks given inspired me to be better person and a good example to my son both in words and deeds. Right now, he teaches us these principles: patience, humility, obedience, long suffering and charity. How he interacts with us makes us realized how much we need to improve ourselves in keeping God's commandments every minute of our lives. He is a perfect example of what kind of person God wants each one of His children to be. I love my son so much, though he can be handful at times, but he is just a kid...and kid needs to be kid!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Great Sabbath...

We went to church yesterday and have all fun! Learned a lot from Sunday School as well as from the talks given during the sacrament meeting. I felt bad because I have to missed Relief Society class because I was so sleepy. I have to stay in the car and tried to sleep. For me, it is embarrassing for me if the teacher to see me sleeping, so I decided to skip the class. So far, our Sunday was great! We took a nap after lunch and then family night afterwards.