Sunday, April 18

Aiden eating his apple

Today, Mike had to work the hallway at church (he's on the safety team that uses law enforcement as volunteers to keep the church safe--1 in the hallway and 1 in the service).

A few weeks ago, I began keeping him with me during worship (so he could enjoy the music) and then walk him to the nursery after. It's been amazing. Like clockwork, as soon as the music starts (and I don't mean quiet singing...I mean a band, loud music and all) he begins to get heavier and leans his head on my shoulder. I continue swaying and singing and he always nestles up to me and is almost asleep. He is so peaceful. Doesn't say a word, just seems to absorb it. As soon as the music is done, he wakes right up. I dropped him off at the nursery and he went straight to playing with his toys. Amazing!

How beautiful and priceless is that. I remember being pregnant and thinking I needed to play soft lullaby music for him, but that's not the music I wanted to listen to. Instead, on the way to work I'd listen, and sing to, my Hillsong and other awesome worship CD's. Amazing what an impact it had on him. To me, that's just one of the many amazing things God has done!

Ok, so we got home and went for a walk. After, I fed Aiden when Mike went for his run. Below is a cute photos series of him eating an apple...

Getting his game face on so he can eat the apple - oh, and I know you may be saying, "What is she doing? She should cut them up." Tried that. They just become something to throw. He likes biting into the apple. That's what daddy it probably feels good on his gums.

There he goes....

This is the face he makes when he's intently eating something. So focused.

When we were teaching him to say that he was all done, I put my hands in the air when I would say, "All done?" so that if we didn't understand his words, we'd know with his hands that was done. It took. This is him saying, "Ah du!"

Saturday, April 17

Visited Cathy and the Cooch's last Tuesday

Last Tuesday, Aiden and I went to visit, what feels like, my other family (Cathy Shavlik and the Cooch's) in VA.

Cathy and I

Aiden crawled into Mama Cooch's kitchen to see Cathy prepare lunch.

Victoria and I--yes, we could definitely pass as sisters, I think. Her son came one day after Aiden was born!

Aiden wanted up, so then AJ did too. What was I thinking carrying both boys? Paid for that later. Oh well, they were so cute!

Visited Mike at work yesterday

Yesterday, I thought we'd go visit Mike at work. Aiden had a blast!

Here, he is listening to Mike's radio and was actually talking to it. We were watching intently to make sure he didn't press the button. Bet that would have been a surprise to all of Park Police!

Here, he is having fun looking in the side of the display case. He didn't stay there long and was off to the next place.
He discovered the water cooler.

* * * *

This morning, we played in his room and he read books. I was amazed at how much he really enjoys them...on his own. He went into his closet and discovered a silver bin. He then tried to put all of his shoes into it. He is so organized! Thank God!!!

Later this morning, I let him watch his favorite cartoon, "Ni Hao Ki Lan". I observed his behavior as Ki Lan started to cry. Her friends on TV hugged her. Aiden went up to the TV and hugged it with his face. Then he came right over to me and gave me a huge hug! After the hug, started clapping because Ki Lan was now happy. Amazing.....

Morning play time with Aiden a few days ago

Aiden and I have fun playing together. The other morning, we were both being goofy, so I grabbed the camera and got a few pics.

Yes, that is Aiden's pants on my head. The things you'll do to entertain your child!

Here he is walking a little...


I am so peaceful... House is a total mess, yet I lay here in bed, on a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon.

"Lord, keep me close." I pray. That was not my prayer until a few weeks ago. I wanted to do it MY WAY!!!! Yes, the kicking and screaming too. Arrogance. Selfish. me, me, ME!!!

Our finances a wreck. My physical and emotional state of being depleted, I came to a point where I was truly desperate for help. I am not 'there' yet, but closer than I ever thought I'd be to where I truly want to be. Surrender. I don't know Him fully yet, but am asking God, by faith, to come and flood my soul. He is so quick to love. I feel like I just started what will be the most amazing part of my life.

During my extremely painful times of recovery from childhood pains, I would hear the saying, "The best is yet to come." I'd think to myself..."I really want to believe it. It must be true even though I don't feel it."

Now that I have surrendered (which I hope and pray God enables me to do from now til the end) to the One who created me, I taste freedom.

This started a few weeks ago when I heard Creflo Dollar (a minister in Atlanta) say, "Without God's living Word, you will be the same now as 10 years from now. Look back at the times when you truly relied on God and His Word." WOW. It hit home for me. I've been on a different course ever sense.

Well, I'm off to take a nap while Aiden is sleeping. Going to enjoy the peace and quiet. I'll upload some cute pics of when we went to visit Mike at work yesterday.

TTFN (ta-ta-for-now)

Thursday, April 15

Aiden's child dedication and Ryan's 11th Birthday

Aiden was dedicated at our church (Grace Community Church) on March 21st, which also happened to be Ryan's 11th birthday! He was able to spend the week with us since it was his spring break.

Here's Aunt Gloria, Ryan, me and Aiden, Mom and Aunt Ann after the dedication.

Can you believe how big Aiden is? He reached for Ryan three times. It was so sweet!

Aunt Gloria was playing with Aiden as he was rearranging my kitchen cabinet.

This was the shark cake that we made for Ryan's birthday cake. I have got to get better at this!

Ryan and sweet!

Catching up....again

It's been a little over a week since my last day of work. It's definitely been an adjustment being back home, but quite a good one. It didn't take long for me to realize that home was where I was supposed to be. It is much more of a sacrifice, but I am ready for it.

Let's see...Aiden now walks up to 10 steps on his own. He is full of life and as cute as can be. The other day a lady said to me, "I think he is seriously the cutest boy I have ever seen." I said, "I know! I feel the same way!"

He says a few words. He'll say, "Ah da" (all done) with his hands up in the air when he's finished eating. He'll say, "nuh" (nose) when pointing to his nose. He definitely knows how to say mom...."Mah!" He says, "wa com" (for welcome)...sometimes even says it when asking you to do something for him. He still takes his finger and goes up and down on his lips, while making noise, for hungry. We're trying to teach him other words, but he's pretty fond of what he's already doing.

One really cute thing he did on one of my last days at work. He crawled over to Mike, handed him his cell phone and said, "Mah!" Mike was amazed at how he relayed that message, so he did call me. So cute!

Here are some pics from around a month ago. Nana (my mom) had Aiden that day and was working with him on his fine motor skills. They had a blast. She would take a picture, then show it to him on the back of the camera and he's say (while pointing with one finger and in amazement), "Ooooooo...."