It's what will be missing from that summer.
Me, Cami Russon & Mychael-Ann Pelo 2004
& this...
Ash & Gwen 7/06
just to name a few. We'll miss the entire Pelo family! It's hard to see such a good family leave, but even harder when they've BECOME family. Seven years worth of good memories to remind me of how blessed we've been to have them be such a tangible part of our life. When they left Virginia for Salt Lake, Heather, Cami, MA and I had a last hoorah with a night out at an ice cream shoppe. I remember coming home, snuggling up to Casey and starting to sob because the Pelo's and Dudley's had become so dear to me.Heather, Me, Cami & MA 7/04
And to think--I've done it to myself AGAIN! I started writing this a few days ago, but it made me too sad. So, MA when you read this--know how much you mean to me. I'm a better mother, wife and friend because of your example & have been changed for good. Lucky Virginia to get you!! I think I'll go eat some ice cream...:)
You are going to make me cry! I miss you all so much and wish we could all be getting ice cream together. Thanks Katie! I will send you the pic of us in Salt Lake.Cami
They are such a great family! We will miss them dearly! Virginia is lucky to get them!
It's fun to see a few friends from Charlottesville. I'm sure if any of you VA people just listed in Katie's post read this, just know that you all had a great impact on my life as well (even though it wasn't quite 7 years worth). Thanks for that!
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