Thursday, May 5, 2011

Food Services

Those of you who know me know that I despise Costco with everything inside of me. Is it the plethora of great deals that bother me? No. Is it the humongous carts that they force you to use? No. Is it the samples they older gentleman in tiny aprons are constantly offering you? Absolutely not. It’s the people. It’s the people that walk around Costco just to walk around Costco. Not really looking for anything…just browsing. When I do anything involving food I am on a mission and all I want is to get in and out of there as quickly as possible but my task is made so difficult by the browsers. Yikes.

There is however some redeeming things about Costco…#1. The Hot Dogs #2. The Churros. Bryson knows that I have a seriously weakness for both of these items and so when he forces me to go to Costco with him he usually rewards me for good behavior with one or both of those heaven sent items.

So a month ago Bryson and I went to Costco. There was Bryson, attempting to enjoy this tender little outing. He was strolling along with a song in his heart. Looking at the reasonably priced 80 packs of deodorant and the massive television sets. Enter me. I felt like the chunky adorable child from “UP” that was being dragged by the house…need a visual?

So there I was complaining my way through Costco when suddenly I saw Bryson mutter one of those delicious words from his mouth “CHURRO”. Score. I was instantly perky, helping him finding ingredients like a maniac in attempts to get to the snack stand quicker. I went from being dragged by the house to this...

Twenty minutes pass.

There we are at the Churro stand, groceries in hand, paid for, I am ready to get the hell out of there. I got Bryson and I each an enormous twisty stick of goodness and we started heading for the car. Then instantly this inner dialogue takes place in my head…

Oh crap…does Bryson realize that we are going to have to eat these in his car?
He must realize that…right? Yeah…

I refuse to hold this delicious churro until I get home. I need it right now.

Enter me trying to sneak into the front seat…

Bryson: “Uhm Katie…”

Crap! I’ve been caught.

Katie: “Yeah what’s up?”

Bryson: “………just………just be careful not to get crumbs everywhere”

Katie: “I am ALWAYS careful. Please.”

I plop myself down in the front seat, Bryson follows suit and grabs his churro. Now let me be honest…I have never seen a human eat something as messy as a churro in a more delicate and clean way…I just sat there amazed as his salivated lips wrapped around the churro as to not let one crumb of delicious cinnamon sugar escape.

Then it was my turn….you can do this Katie.

CRUNCH. Cinnamon Sugar literally explodes in the car…

Enter Bryson’s face…I am pretty sure that it was something that looked exactly like this…

He tried so hard to maintain his composure and sat stunned in pure amazement and silence as I devoured the first half of my churro .

Finally he cracked…

Bryson: “Uhm are you serious right now?”

Katie: (cinnamon sugar encrusted lips) “What?”

Bryson: “I have never seen anyone eat a churro as messy as you in my entire life…and there are crumbs literally everywhere”

Katie: “No way! Absolutely not, there are just crumbs on my dress”

Bryson: “Katie… This is ridiculous. Do you know why my car is never dirty? Do you know why crumbs bother me?” (Enter 10 minutes of this conversation about such topics)

Katie: “I am sorry but I love churros and I did not know that there was a correct way to enjoy them…what are you going to do when our kids want to eat happy meals in the back seat?”

Bryson: “Okay first of all they will not eat happy meals in the back and second……..just be so careful to flick the crumbs out of the car when you get out and not into the car”

Katie: “Well let me just say this…when our kids are in sports and I am running them to and fro I will give them happy meals to eat in the back! And secondly I will be careful with the crumbs…why? Because I care and because I love you! (enter snotty face)”

So I hopped out, flicked my crumbs into the air and wouldn’t you know it….crumbs on the floor of his car.


Sometime I am a child but he loves me anyways.

I hope you enjoyed your stay, it’s good to have you with us, even if it’s just for the day.


  1. Katie -
    You are SUCH a riot!!! I love your blog! The huge tv, the mice, and YES, how do you eat a churro without being COVERED in cinnamon??? xo

  2. hahaahahah!!!I LOVE it! I love you!!! i was at Costco the other day and ALMOST got a churro. Why didn't I?!?!?! I will next time.

  3. Katie-cute blog post-Eric loves the hotdogs and churros at COSTCO-

  4. hahahahhahahaha OH my gosh! That's hilarious. There is no way to eat a churro without looking like a 4 year old. I'm dying right now. Cinnamon sugar explosion hahaha

  5. hahahaha katie.. first of all i miss you so much and especially after reading this i literally was just laughing out loud i was even crying a little and paul walked in so confused why i was laughing.. anyways i love you and miss you 100 million!! hope all is well with you my dear!
