Date: 12/13/07
Time: 11:45 -11:54 pm mst
Duration: 9 min
Location: parent’s toilet
Need: gonna blow
Hardness: started rock hard followed by softness
Bristol Stool Chart Type: 5
Consumed since last BM: vegetarian burrito, Spanish rice, calzone, chips, guacamole, red wine, orange juice, swiss cheese, wheat thins, salami, turkey, weed brownie, chocolate cookies, naked juice
Description: After a long day of riding the bus, then flying in aeroplanes, I have reached my destination and with it, let release from my bowels a days worth of backload. In JFK airport, I took a little poopsie, but it was just a hard little raisinette, nothing quite comparable to the load I dropped here. This was one of those poops that felt so good coming out, afterwards I just sat there pushing and relaxing my colon, trying to recreate the experience. If ever you thought you were a bad-ass shitter, I think you just need to take a look at the beauty and power of this load and then slowly walk away. In happier news, my parent's appear to have upgraded their toilet paper since the last time i was here, as it no longer is going stuck in my anus.