Monday, June 30, 2008

Elder Eynon Returns!

Welcome Home Elder Eynon

My brother returned home from serving a mission in Ecuador. It is amazing to me to see the difference in him. He left a kid and came home a Man. He returned home to a nephew he has never meet and also a bother in law that he only had meet once before he left. We had a great fun filled weekend full of family and friends. To say the least it was a very busy weekend. We are glad to have our little brother home safe and sound.


My sisters and I went to see Wicked on Thursday. It was AMAZING! I am already planning on taking Randy to see it. This is my favorite scene from the musical.

David gets his Masters!!!!

Congratulations to David for graduating from his Masters program! We had a great time at Davids graduation even though it was a little toasty out. It was exciting to see him finally finish and I know that his family was so proud of him and his accomplishments. Thanks for inviting us!

A Week of Birthdays

The week of June 9th there are birthdays almost everyday that week in Randys family. This year we all headed up to Vegas to celebrate all together. We spent saturday out at Lake Mead and some fun time with our family. Happy birthday to Mike, Mitchell, Troy and Kris. We had a great time, thanks for inviting us!

MaKayla Cleans up at the Awards Ceremony!

MaKayla never seems to amaze me. She loves school and it shows in her grades. This semester she got all 4's and received 3 awards from her teacher. She is excited to go to 2nd grade and can not wait to see who her new teacher will be.
Also in 1st grade they did a tumbing show for some of the other kids at school. They peformed all kinds of tricks and did alot of tumbling. MaKayla loved it and still does tricks here at home for us and her sisters.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Count Down!

So I am on the count down for Breaking Dawn. I had to read the first chapter so I went to Target and stood in the isle and read it. I know pathetic! I could not help it though. I sounds like it is going to be a great book and I can't wait.


The family and I headed to Idyllwild for the weekend to camp. Randy and i have decided that this summer we are going to do a lot if it. It is quite cheap and is a blast. We camped in Dark Canyon and it was beautiful. The trees were huge and there was a stream near by that you could hear. It turned out to be colder than I thought and I froze on the first night. By the second night I had it figured out and it was much warmer. The girls had a great time just being together and playing. It was do great just to get away from everything and just chill.

The Host

A couple of us got to go to a book signing with Stephanie Meyer. She was so great. She talked for about 20 minutes and then she signed your books. She was just so down to earth. Kim asked her to pick between Edward and Jacob and she said that she loved them both and could not. She said the she likes them both for different reasons. In the summer Edward can keep you cool and in the winter Jacob can keep you warm. She was great. We have a great time just having a girls night out.