Showing posts with label DT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DT. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2011


... I have gone rather a long time, even from my own blog. I can't offer any explanations except I am having a relapse. I can't relate to the bold and bright colors that I used to scrap with, everything is in black. I am suddenly dark.

This is the last layout that I have done last month. This is created with Scrap That!'s June Kit.
I'm sorry, I hope I can get back to you all in due time... for now, I can't say much. I am not really a practitioner, but I do believe in prayers. I ask you send them my way.

Thanks everyone.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hope you can visit Fancy Pants blog HERE as my layout is featured. ;o) You can find a step-by-step tutorial on how I made the layout.

Just some close-ups to entice you to visit:

Hope you can drop by HERE and let me know what you think. ;o)

Thanks for looking.


Sunday, May 22, 2011


I have already made two layouts using Bo Bunny's Blast Off! Collection HERE and HERE. Here are two more projects using this yummy collection:

Is it a wall or a door hanging?
Well, I couldn't resist, I love that the scalloped chipboard is sturdy - - this will definitely go in dear sonny's future room. ;o)

This is super easy to make too - - just pile on all the yummy embellishments from this collection!!!

You are Invited Card

Just playing with my scraps!!! Did also my first gathered flower... hhhmmmm, it's kinda interesting right? Topped it with this metal embellishment that comes with the button pack!!!

Thanks for looking people!!!


Saturday, May 21, 2011


Just a quick post today - - just want to share a quick and easy Nikki Sivils Card that I made using the We are Family Collection.

I love that Nikki Sivils are sooo cute and fun and easy to use!!!!

Hope you like this one!!! Will post some projects again tomorrow!!!


Monday, May 16, 2011


Last week, something went wrong with Blogger - - I wasn't able to log in or update my posts plus a lot of the comments in my previous post were deleted. Sigh. You still have time though to re-post your comments to be in the running for the prize package.

Today I'm sharing with you a layout that I have made using Bo Bunny's Crush Collection. It is based on the sketch that you can find HERE.

Dark humor at work as always - - nyahahaha. ;o) Kinda dark pictures too - - but I think the beauty of this collection still shined through. ;o)

Saved these charcoal knit petals for this special layout!!! I love that they're not too girly for a boy layout (well, the pic still includes me anyway LOL!!!).

Hope you like what I shared with you today. Thanks for looking.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hello blog hoppers!!!! If you are already hopping along with us, you probably got to my blog from Mahlin, but if not and want to hop along, head on to Bo Bunny's blog to start!

I have done a mini-album specially for this blog hop but I will show three - - just to cover all types of projects - - and all of them feature the Olivia Collection.

I have a confession to make: when I first got hold of Olivia, I knew right away that I wanted to use it on something personal about me. It took time for me to use because I was waiting for the special photos and concept...

I think it was sometime in August last year when someone lent me an itty bitty book called "A Short Guide to a Happy Life" by Anna Quindlen. It's a really simple book, a fast read - - you can finish it in 5 minutes!!!! Funny how something small can hugely affect you and how you view your life!!!

For this blog hop, allow me to deviate a little, as I would want to share the words that made an impact on me...

You are the only person alive who has sole custody of the life of your mind and of your heart.
Show up. Listen. Try to laugh.
Keep still. Be present.Love the journey, not the destination. Today is the only guarantee you get.
Learn to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back.
Learn to be happy.
School never ends. The classroom is everywhere. The exam comes at the very end.
I used Bo Bunny's My Edgy Album in Clover - - this is sooooo easy to use!!! I didn't want to cover it with patterned paper anymore as it's beautiful as is already, I just distressed it and it's good to go!!!

The mini-album took me less than a day to finish. I wanted it to be like the book where it got it's inspiration - - simple, fast and straight to the heart. Ooohhh, just in case you're wondering why I'm in costume in the photos (blushing here), it's because I was one of the emcees during my company's Christmas party (I guess they needed a clown!!!! LOL!!!!). Special thanks to JayR Purisima, my idol and colleague, for the photos!!!

So there, hope you like the album. Just in case, you would want to see more possibilities with the Olivia Collection, allow me to share a layout and a card that I have done also with this line:

How to win a prize?

One blog hop participant that leaves a comment on each of the designers' blogs will be chosen at random to win a Bo Bunny prize package. To be eligible for the second prize leave a comment on the Bo Bunny blog after hopping through all the blogs and one will be chosen at random. The winners will be announced next Wednesday on the Bo Bunny blog. This is the first of 3 blog hops happening this month, so good luck!!!

Before you go on:

1) Let me invite you to follow me on my blog;

2) Leave a comment here (good luck bagging the super yummy prize!!!!!!);

3) Hop on to Irene!!!

Off you go!!! Thanks for hopping along with us!!!



My Scrap That! Kit arrived late so I am also late in showing my creations. The kit called "Romantic Spring" features Pink Paislee's Butterfly Garden Collection along with yummy embellies!!! So soft, so delicate - - definitely one of my most fave Scrap That! kit!!!!!

For my 1st layout, I played with symmetry - - almost. I think my MS doily edge puncher just gave up on me, I wasn't able to finish punching the other section. ;o(

Love, love, love this Dusty Attic chippy here!!!! No need to do much!!!

Angel cut-out sighting!!!!

For my 2nd layout, I cut out the doilies included in the Pink Paislee patterned paper. I kinda missed cutting out the male and female forms (I used Maya Road chippies as templates) so I included them here.

These are seriously delicate flowers, noh? ;o)

The cardstock cutouts were outlined with gold paint which I heatgunned to dry...

For my 3rd layout, I used the canvas piece and the mist included in the kit. The canvas piece is beautiful by itself already, I didn't want to ruin it so I just misted lightly. I also tried not to overwhelm it with patterned papers so I just used scraps.

Lookie, I was able to recycle my Prima packaging!!!

Angel cut-out sighting #2!!!

For my last layout, I still have a whole pack of white Primas and while I don't normally go "all the way" with flowers (coz' Primas ain't cheap, right? LOL!!!), I decided to just use them all up in just one layout!!!

This is one huge beautiful butterfly cutout...

I love that the Storytellers alpha stickers come in different sizes and colors...

I really love the kit - - quite fitting for Scrap That!'s one year anniversary!!!! To find out more about the kits, visit the Scrap That! Store. To subscribe, email

Thanks for looking.


Sunday, May 8, 2011


Here are 2 more layouts using Fancy Pants' To the Moon Collection!!!

I super love all the stars in this one!!! The background is a printed transparency that I cut out.

I think I almost used up all the rub-ons and chipboards and journal embellishments and cut outs in this collection!!! Some more details for you:

Here's my second layout: I super love dear sonny's facial expression here!!!

Some close-up shots:

Hope you like these layouts as much as I do!!!

Thanks for looking.


2011 FAVES

2010 Faves

2009 Faves