Tonight I went to something that was very confusing.
A friend of mine, who I absolutely love and have gotten to know through my book club, invited me to go to a class on essential oils with her. I love learning new things and over the past few years I've become increasingly interested in finding little ways here and there to incorporate the holistic into my daily life. I don't do a lot of it, but I am very curious about it.
Well it just so happened that the essential oils class was a party, one of those pyramid type parties, for a company called Young Living. I should have asked more questions before agreeing to go. Maybe you've heard of Young Living?
For starters, I noticed the girl who hosted the party had a schedule taped to her refrigerator. The schedule was a break down- in 30 minute increments- of everyone in her family, including her husband's, entire day. She had things like, "husband time" and "sibling time" and "blanket play" and "outside play" and "sweep the floors and wipe the counter tops" penned in and planned out down to the half hour.
She also had a handy flow chart of misbehaviors her kids might commit, followed by the consequence, followed by the corresponding bible verse. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I've just never seen anything quite like all that. Those charts told me,
this girl doesn't mess around.
So anyway, this Young Living company sell oils and books and all kinds of different holistic products, but the company has a Christian twist. Like there is this one book they sell, I can't remember the exact title, but it's huge and it is all about the different oils referenced in the bible. And then there was another book they were passing around and it had specific bible verses that you would pray as you used each oil, basically to ward off different illnesses in conjunction with the oils.
And somehow, that felt very strange to me. Because how can I be a Christian, and they be a Christian- and yet all of those things are so foreign to me?
The girls hosting the party told different stories, back and forth, about success people have had curing different ailments with the oils and they kept calling these stories "testimonies." There were stories of nasty rashes cured from home and 103.5 degree fevers squelched without so much as a phone call to the doctor and Swine Flu that was put to rest. And yet, something about using the word
testimonies for all of those stories had me shifting in my chair just a little.
Now like them, I use a chiropractor, and buy organic meat, but from there- I was kind of an island. I don't have a Naturopath, I don't buy raw milk, and I haven't totally renounced vaccines.
The whole concept of GRANOLA isn't new, but I'm writing this because I'm just so very confused. I don't understand how I fit in. It seems like for most people this area is so black and white. Nick, for example, has very little interest in it. He just shakes it off and says, "If you want to do it that's great, but that stuff's not for me."
I read the Mommypotamus blog on a regular basis and I subscribe to an email called Mama Natural, and I'm even a member of a Facebook group called DFW Crunchy Mamas. So I'm in the groups but I'm really not IN the groups if that makes any sense. The thing I'm wondering is, can you be into that kind of thing without being all in?
Tonight at the party the thing they were really pushing us to buy was a kit of oils that costs $150. I think everyone at the party bought the kit except for me. And it surprised me, because what was I missing that I was the only person at that party who was skeptical about the whole deal? Curious, unlike Nick, but skeptical unlike them. Why am I the only one in the gray area?
When I said I wasn't going to buy the kit, but wanted to know more about just two of the oils, the girl hosting the party smiled sweetly at me and said, "This is really the kind of thing where, you just have to take the plunge. What kinds of things is your family suffering from?"
"Suffering from?" I asked.
"Suffering from," she said again. "What things do you go to the doctor and have to use nasty chemicals for?"
She actually used the words
nasty chemicals. So I sat there for a minute, and I thought about it- and I couldn't come up with one single thing we "suffer" from.
"Well, you just had a baby didn't you? So probably you've got a hormonal imbalance. Headaches?"
I shook my head.
"Bad cramps?"
I shook my head again.
"Back aches? Insomnia? Night sweats?"
No. No. No.
"Residual bloating or weight gain?"
Well, yes I suppose I do have that, but my other friend who sells Advocare was just telling me the other day that she's got a miracle cure for that, as does another girl I know who's selling Shakeology. When all along I'm pretty sure the cure is just stop eating pizza and Sour Patch Kids.
It's all just too confusing. And I don't know where I stand. Can I not just dip my toe in the pond and try some peppermint oil or theives on my chest when I'm congested, but also go to the doctor and get a prescription if I'm really sick?
Am I doing my family wrong by not being 100% on the holistic/organic/whatever you want to call it bandwagon? And, if I want to cross the holistic threshold does it mean I have to renounce vaccines altogether and cross my heart, hope to die that I'll never ever take another drop of Sudafed ever again? I just don't get it. I don't know where my place is. It's a strange feeling when you look around and say, "I know I'm not this, but I'm also not that- so what am I?" I guess that's what happens when you're close to turning 30.
Extremes, be it religious extremes, political extremes, health extremes, are such a turn off to me. I hate to be the lame one sitting on the fence dipping my toe in the water, but in most situations I can always see both sides.
Today I got to baby-sit my friend Bethany's little boy Tripp for a couple of hours.
Logan was obsessed. And may have put Tripp's toes in his mouth a couple of times when I wasn't looking, which was weird.
Tripp is only three weeks old, so I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that maybe I'm the first person outside of family who's ever gotten to keep him. That's a huge honor!
He was SO sweet and SO tiny and fragile. Surely Logan wasn't ever THAT tiny and fragile. And the other crazy thing was, when Tripp was here Logan suddenly turned into a 12 year old before my eyes. "Crawl in there and grab some wipes for baby Tripp," I found myself wanting to tell him.
I just never realized how big and sturdy and mature and independent an 8 month old can be! Ha!
But on the other hand, the little ones sure are sweet and cuddly!!!