
Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I made a decision today. I guess if I'm honest, it's one I should have made a long time ago. I'm pretty sure it takes the wisdom that comes from almost turning thirty before you can figure things like this out though.

I was getting ready in front of the mirror, wondering if these jeans make my hips look wide and whether or not my tummy pouched out in this shirt when somewhere deep inside of me a voice rumbled, "ENOUGH!"

Enough with the criticism. Enough contending with the hope that one day, I'll lose about five more pounds. Enough wishing for a flatter tummy. Enough thinking that someday, maybe I might get brave and go on an extreme diet or lose myself completely in an exercise regimen. Enough feeling guilty when I don't work out as much as I meant to. ENOUGH.

I take good care of myself, and the body I have is not perfect but it is enough.

I have great health, and I generally feel good in my clothes. I don't love how I look in a swimsuit, but it's not so bad that I hesitate to wear one in front of other people. (Except for my one friend who basically had a six pack weeks after having a baby, and she knows who she is. That is another matter altogether.)

The thing is, I've weighed the same thing, give or take a couple of pounds (and ten months of being pregnant), and been pretty much the same size for the better part of my adult life. So ENOUGH squirreling away all these good "young" years and chasing something I am not.

I'm not one to obsess about how I look or really beat myself up about it. I don't often bother to weigh myself so long as my clothes are still fitting well. But like most people, some negative thoughts are always there floating around, should I choose to indulge.

So today I thought, no more of that. This is me, and this is good enough. What a novel idea.

There is a picture floating around on Pinterest that I like, it says something like, "Being skinny feels better than this cookie tastes." But as of twenty minutes ago, do you know what I decided? Being content with who you are feels best of all. I need to stop seeing myself as a work in progress, and just see myself as me.

One of the major eye rolling life lessons my dad was always trying to get across to us was: There's always going to be somebody who has more than you, and there's always going to be someone who has less. 

 That can refer to money, to talent, to say.... asking for a new car when you turn 16, just about anything.

I am 5'3" tall. I weigh 121 pounds. I buy a size 27 (short) jeans and a size 3-4 most anything else. My stomach is a little squishy and a little more pokey outtie than I would like. I'm sure I have friends who would kill to be my size and other friends who would kill themselves if they were my size. But this is who I am.

From now on I am going to work on retraining my thoughts. It does not mean what I see is perfect. It means, this is me and that is good enough.


The McWamps said...

Girl you are blowing my socks off today! Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

Oh girl, just wait till baby two or three everything will be squishy and you will care even less! As long as life is good, enjoy the cookie...or cookies!

Unknown said...

Love this post and thank you for the reminder to be thankful with what I have! I think we all struggle a bit with this, and maybe never more than within that first year after giving birth.

PS - I was reading along just loving everything when all the sudden I got to the "would probably kill to be that size and some would probably kill themselves if they were that size..." and I laughed out loud and scared my little guy who I'm nursing as I read this. Lol

Jocelyn said...

Great post. And you look wonderful!

Abby Batlle said...

i think this was a GREAT post. you are ENOUGH!! and i love it! something i thought about this summer is---everyone is always someone else's i try to remember someone is working to get where i am, just like i am working to get where someone else is! this was so well said, sister!

emily said...

Beautifully written and oh so true.

Debbie said...

love this so much. and I totally agree with Abby. I even had that exact same conversation with someone recently. she was upset about a few things and I confessed to her that I was envious about a part of her and she confessed the same with me. funny how that works. we strive to be like others when deep down....they may be feeling the same way we are! you are beautiful and you are more than enough. :)

Raquel said...

Love this! Perfectly written as always. I think as women we all struggle with body image but I couldn't agree with u more. Enough already! I try to tell myself that it's an insult to God when I'm unhappy with something about my body. Thanks for the great reminder today :)

teacherJillK said...

Love the honesty! It's also so reassuring to hear that someone who looks sooo good and seems so self confident has the same feelings as me. Thanks for the reminder to breathe, live life, and eat a cookie! :)

Allyson Petta said...

Oh my gosh, I absolutely love this! I wish everyone with a pre-teen or teenage girl could read this! AMEN girl! You need to write a book...