
Friday, June 7, 2013

This Week We...

Turned Logan's car seat around to be forward facing. I've debated for months. My car doesn't have rear air on the ceiling, and he's always so sweaty after long car rides facing backwards. I finally decided to go for it. We went up to the fire station and I had them install it forward facing. (If you don't have your car seat professionally installed, I can't recommend this highly enough. My girlfriends and I got on the band wagon, albeit very late, a couple of months ago. Totally worth the time to have it inspected and installed properly.)

Nick and I took Logan to dinner later that night, and he stayed in this exact position frozen still for the entire car ride, only moving his eyes back and forth. I think he was a bit shell shocked at his new view.

Ate some GF gingerbread pancakes with baked apples, almond butter, and honey. Mimi brought us this mix from Kerbey Lane in Austin. YUM!!!
Broke out the sidewalk chalk for the first time, and Logi LOVED it. Nevermind that our entire neighborhood has little red chicken scratches graffitied all over it. Oops!
Perfected his skillz at Little Gym!

New phrases this week are: "My tool tahs" (my cool cars, referring to the two match box cars that go everywhere with us) and "Sih dada! Sih mama!" (silly daddy, silly mommy- ha!) and "upin, tlose. upin, tlose" (open, close) and he likes to point out everything that belongs to everyone- daddy's chair/mommy's chair, daddy's shoes/Logan's shoes, etc.
Tried a new recipe- mango curry chicken (from Shauna Niequist's book) with quinoa for diner! Delish! Logan went to bed early that night, and Nick and I sat out on the back porch in our Adirondack chairs and read and talked about our days. Granted, my grandparents were probably doing the exact same thing at the exact same time, but it was so fun and relaxing!!!
This morning we went to Stroller Strides, followed by swim lessons, followed by lunch at Chic Fila with Hattie and Tip. Logi Man was EXHAUSTED!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! School is out and summer's officially here- YAYYYYY!!!!

1 comment:

Erin+Josh said...

Yay for turning him around! Too hot in da summer. Can those head things come down? I'm just seeing a crick neck and maybe he'd lean his head on them??