The night before the boys' birthdays always makes me emotional. Somewhere in between hanging up the birthday sign and pulling out the gifts and all the little things I do to prepare for the next morning, it occurs to me just how quickly it's going and how incredibly blessed I am to be the mom of these three amazing boys. It's such a gift, and Everett is just so special.
Everett wanted to celebrate his ninth birthday just like Logan did this year, by taking some friends to Six Flags and having a sleepover. So on the second Saturday of Spring Break we took Camden, Jake, Charlie, Lincoln and Everett to Six Flags while Logan was at Walker's birthday party and Beck was at Grammy and Papa's.
The boys had a blast running through Six Flags riding the rides and playing the million dollar carnival games. Everett rode several big roller coasters, and I loved that he wanted me to be the one to ride the rides with him and seeing how scared and then excited he was when he did Shockwave.
After Six Flags Weston joined us straight from the beach for Chic Fil A dinner and a sleepover.
All seven boys piled into Everett's room, and shockingly, were all asleep by 11:30 after a wild Nerf gun fight and a round of hide and go seek that knocked the clothes bar down in Logan's closet and frayed my nerves to the edge.
They slept until almost 7:00 the next morning but were up for some wiffle ball, basketball and of course, donuts.
Everett got a sweet 49ers ring of some sort. Everett had a blast, but needless to say we were ALL tired on Sunday after the party.
Everett's birthday fell on a Thursday this year. We celebrated with another round of donuts and the happy birthday song from the four of us, Grammy & Papa, Mimi and Pops that morning before school. Everett's wish list for gifts this year included; a hamster or a chinchilla, a dog, a lap top and an electric bike. Sadly, none of those things were wrapped and waiting for him to open, but he seemed pretty thrilled with what he did receive.
Logan and Beck had picked out all manner of koosh balls and fidget toys and baseball cards and snacks for him, which was a huge hit. From us he got an electronic Rubik's cube that connects to his iPad that he just HAD TO HAVE (and was devastated not to get for about five minutes) in the airport on the way to Montana. We also got him some Dragon clothes and a couple of jerseys.
Everett requested a trip to the foot spa after school and a steak dinner for his birthday, and maybe one day he will appreciate this, but it was quite a feat to pull off a steak dinner on a Thursday night when all three boys have practices all over town. It literally involved Nick going to Central Market, me prepping what I could during the day and Nick cooking in between dropping people off at practices, while I took Beck to his baseball practice.
When the boys got off the bus we headed up to the foot spa (Beck wanted to join us, Logan did not). Beck, Everett and I all loved it! Between steak dinners and the foot spa, I think my work here is done. Everett knows what's good and right in this world.
Everett had also requested Grammy's chocolate pie, and I was so sad that it was a HUGE flop. I made the pie while he was at school, and it did not turn out. Luckily, I was able to go pick up a bunch of mini pies for him at Buttermilk Sky while Beck was at baseball, and he was happy with that.
On Saturday evening we celebrated Everett some more with family (and proper chocolate pies!!) over at Grammy and Papa's.
Grammy ALWAYS saves us!
Everett got lots of money and gift cards, another jersey and a round of shirts and skins soccer with his cousins. It was a great night, and I hope Everett felt loved and celebrated on his ninth birthday week.
Dear Everett,
I am so very thankful you're in our family. You bring such a joy and light to our home. You make us all laugh with your witty observations and hilarious off the wall comments. When I think of you I truly think of the word joy. You radiate joy. You are always making people laugh- from Mrs. Blair, to your brothers, to dad and I, and even your reading tutor Mrs. Thane. You are just so funny even when you don't try to be. And you have the best smile EVER!
You are also incredibly competitive. Dad always says you hate losing even more than you hate winning. You handle it a lot better than you used to, but you hate losing baseball games, lacrosse games and most especially ANYTHING against Logan. Front yard wiffle ball may as well be the baseball world series to you. You love anything that is a competition, a race or for speed. You have two speeds, Everett speed (FAST) and stop (cuddling your giraffes, sucking on your hand).
Mostly, you just like the social aspect of school. You prefer math, but hate having to do anything that takes time and patience, most especially writing. You moan and groan and hate doing your homework and nightly reading. If something at school requires you to take your time and go slowly, forget it. You breeze through things as fast as you can, and thankfully, you're incredibly smart so you can get away with it some of the time.
Another unique thing about you is not only the intensity you bring to things like sports, but the volume. You talk loudly, you sing at the top of your lungs, you blare music in your room constantly, and you don't just walk, you clomp through the house. Most of the time it makes me smile and it makes you who you are. Mrs. Blair says if she's outside in the hallway, she can always hear your voice over anyone else's in the classroom.
You are a leader in school and make friends easily with all kinds of people. One of my very favorite things about you is your sense of adventure and go with the flow attitude (if it doesn't involve sports). You are up for just about anything and happy to try new things, new foods and have new experiences. You are brave and daring and will look any challenge in the eyes.
You are very close with Logan and Beck, although you and Beck argue the most. You don't really have any set best friends- you like Charlie and Lincoln and Sora on your baseball team a lot and Camden at school, but you always have a new set of friends no matter what you're doing.
One thing a lot of people say about you is that you're naturally athletic. Of course dad and I think you're brilliant and amazing, but other parents and coaches will often make comments about how good you are at sports and especially lacrosse which is newer to you. You have really taken off with that and are loving it! Right now you play select baseball and lacrosse, but you would do every single sport there is if we would let you.
Overall you're just a sweet, easy going kid and a man of few words. When we ask you how something was you don't provide much detail but usually just shrug your shoulders and say, "Good," but you also have a depth about you and really enjoy bible stories, emotional movies, etc. You love to have your back scratched and you love to hop on your bike after school and go look for neighbor friends to play with and things to do. You LOVE music and always want to play DJ in the car and know all the songs on the radio. I love playing mahjong with you as well.
I love you so much Everett, I love who you are and seeing who you're growing to become. It is such a privilege to be your mom. I hope nine is a really fun year for you!
I love you,
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