
Monday, March 16, 2009

Boy or Girl?

This morning I was doing my usual blog stalking, enjoying a cup of green tea and my first day of spring break when I came across Jalei's latest post. I gasped in disbelief. Is it really possible?!?!

Right away I called Kari and told her she needed to come over STAT- we had a mission. She got dressed and came right over while I googled "ways to tell if you're having a boy or a girl." She doesn't find out until mid April, and hey, why wait? Besides, all of these "tests" seemed 110% legit to me.

When Kari arrived, I threw on some clothes and we went up to Home Depot to get our supplies. Don't be jealous of how good we looked this morning at 9:30.

Test 1
Have the mother-to-be examine her chest. If the right side is larger, it'll be a boy. If the left side is bigger, girl.Results: Same size. Inconclusive. We weren't about to let that deter us though.

Test 2
Have the mother-to-be pick up a key. If she picks it up by the round end, it will be a boy. If she picks it up by the long end, it will be a girl. Test 3
Ask the mom to pick a number. Match the number to the corresponding letter. (1=A 2=B...) Then ask the mom to think of a baby's name that begins with that letter. (You'll see why we're wearing masks later.)Results: Kari chose 15 = 0. Then she said the name Olivia. Girl!
Test 4
Hang a gold pendant (preferably one that the mother wears often) over the palm of the mother's hand and over her stomach. If the pendant moves in a circular motion, girl. If it sways back and forth, boy.
Results: Boy

Test 5
This was Jalei's test. You get crystal Drano and pour urine over it. If it turns dark blue, brown, or black it's a boy. If it looks green or blue it's a girl. Oh, except this website I was looking at also said "Be warned- there will be some pretty harsh fumes produced. Not to mention the possibility of an explosion." Yep, you can read that right here. Did that stop us?? Um, why would it??
We just bought some masks at Home Depot and crossed our fingers like any true scientist would do. Since she has two to look out for, I mixed the ingredients like any good friend would.
No one can say I wouldn't give my life for a friend.

Results: Well it didn't blow up, but it did smell AWFUL (even with the masks) and the cup got pretty hot. We weren't sure what to do with it, so we just poured it down the sink. I mean, it is Drano, right?! I'll let you know if my sink blows up later.

It was definitely dark brown though, so boy was the winner on this test.

Our final conclusion was:

You know, it's a wonder I even have a job. I am clearly SO productive on my time off. I should get paid for this kind of stuff.

Hibiscus & Bargain Shopping

On Saturday night we went to Hibiscus to celebrate Nick's grandma's 80th birthday!! If you haven't noticed that's our favorite nice restaurant. We go there for pretty much any special occasion! Nick's grandparents were in town from California all weekend, so we had a lot of fun spending time with them. I love Nick's family so much. I'm SO lucky to have such wonderful in-laws and a sister (in-law). And I should probably mention the fact that Nick and I taught Andrea and Chris how to play Rook on Sunday, and the girls' team was victorious AGAIN. On my new quest to become a bargain shopper, I wanted to post some great deals I found at Old Navy! They have a lot of cute spring clothes marked down right now- you should go check it out! Haddy e-mailed me a 30% coupon that I used on top of the great prices. I also found this website that has a lot of printable coupons for your shopping needs. Pink Cardigan $19.50 Purchased with 30% off coupon for $13.65
I found this dress to go under the cardigan. I think it is so cute and springy and will look good with gold sandals and cute jewelry. These dresses are only $15, but I paid $10.50 with my coupon! Love this shirt! I will probably wear it with white shorts and gold sandals in the summer or with khaki pants and a white jacket in the spring. It was orignially $10, marked down to $8. Coupon made it $5.60! Thank you, Haddy!!

Here are three things I really wanted to buy, but I'm going to watch them online and see if they get marked down. I think they're so cute though:

$19.50 Love these

$26.50 I wouldn't pay $30 for this shirt, but I do think it's very cute for a casual outfit with gold jewelry

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Three of My Favorite Kids

Why would we want to have kids when our friends have the cutest kids we can play with, send on their way, and get our full eight hours to ten hours of r.e.m.?! I absolutely adore all our friends' kids.

Look how cute Addyson's latest pictures are. Does she not have the cutest face ever?? I love her to death. I know I talk about her a lot, but she is just precious.
Here is the new picture Alison sent me of Colten. I'm excited to get together with her over Spring Break and see how much the little man has grown in person. He looks SO much like Thomas. Aren't those little pants the cutest??Here are some pictures of Rendee's little girl Rylee. I can't believe she's already 4 months old. She is adorable with big cheeks and pretty blue eyes. I got to spend all afternoon before open house with them. Oh my gosh-I don't know how Rendee does it!! It must be SO hard having a small baby. Just being with them for five hours wiped me out!! Here I am feeding her a bottle before open house- sweet girl would not stop crying. How do I make it quit?? Scary!!Rylee is so cute, and I love her little outfit! I did tell Rendee though, you need to get a bow on girlfriend's head ASAP.
She e-mailed me this picture when she got home!! Much better. Rylee obviously feels a lot better about her self now.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Aggies & Incentive Pay

Dang it. I really wanted A&M to win. Nick & I handled the upset in an unusually adult-like manner, so I was glad about that. Well except for the one picture (see below) that Nick e-mailed me this morning at work, but it was to be expected.

A friend of mine sent me an interesting e-mail earlier this week asking my opinion about Obama's new plan for incentive based pay for teachers. Generally speaking, I am not in favor of it. Before you get all worked up, teacher friends, here are my reasons why.

a) I am not in favor of incentive pay that is based solely on student achievement. First of all, I think this would create a battle among teachers on a team to get the "high kids." Or- the middle to low kids who are capable of more growth in areas. I think a more valid system would test students at the beginning of the year and various points during the school year to measure progress.

I think a teacher's training, evaluation ratings, staff development hours and some sort of school-wide goals should also be considered. Also, I think there would have to be some type of student work portfolio included because some kids just don't test well. Bottom line.

b) I think this would create a lot of stress on special education services because teachers would just be dying to get kids who can't keep up with their peers "labeled" or out of their classroom completely.

c) This puts MORE emphasis on testing. And testing before the test to be sure we're ready to test.

d) We all know we didn't go into teaching for the money. Yeah, a little more would be nice, and I realize most peoples' salaries are based, to an extend, on merit. I just think teaching kids shouldn't be all about that. I don't sell knowledge.

e) The main reason I don't think traditional incentive based pay for teachers is a good idea is because I think it fosters too much competition between teammates. I really think that certain teachers would be less willing to share their "wow" lessons with others. Eventhough teachers wouldn't be directly competing with each other, so to speak, I think it would create an atmosphere of "me looking out for me." And too much talk about who makes how much.

f) Like Nick says, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." There are some kids that no matter what you do, they just aren't going to get there. I don't want my salary riding on that.

Again, just my opinion. What are your thoughts, especially those of you outside of the teaching field?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

May The Best Man Win

Tonight is a big night at our house! Tech plays A&M in the Big 12 tournament. After much consideration, Nick and I have decided to go together, with no one else, to BWW to watch the game.

We tossed around the idea of going to Dallas with some of Nick's friends from work to watch the game or calling up Nat & David and watching it in Ft. Worth. And then we remembered that man to man coverage is our only option for times such as this.

While I really don't feel like watching the game with a bunch of Raiders yelling in my face, and I know he doesn't want to watch the game surrounded by Aggies, that's not our main reason for going at this alone. I may not have been married for long, but long ENOUGH to know what happens in situations where we are pulling for opposite sides and fueled by our supporting friends.

One side enivetiably wins --> Person A won't shut up about the victory --> Person B sulks, listens to it for a while, and finally gets fed up and makes a jab --> Person A rebuttles with: "Stupid like how you forgot to do the laundry last Saturday." --> Person B: "Well I assumed since I unloaded the dishwasher the last NINE TIMES you would take care of the laundry." And so on and so on. Oh, it gets dirty. There are no congratulatory high fives or displays of good sportsman ship what-so-ever.

Call it immaturity, call it what you will, it's not pretty. Trust me, we've been down that road many-a-time. I've been on both ends, and it never matters. The last three Tech/A&M football games we have attended, the Presidential election, Monopoly, Uno, Sequence... Overly competitive first-borns such as ourselves tend not to do well when pitted against each other.

We have found that the conflict is minimized, however, when the two sides of the fence are equal. Aka: Just he and I.

Take the A&M/Tech football game of 2006. Tech snatched an o.t. victory in College Station after A&M had led the whole game. A lot of trash talking from me and my friends (and a lot of beers earlier that day) led to Nick running up and down the bleachers yelling in the faces and trying to high five my Aggie friends. Not good for our relationship. Not good at all. In fact, good thing we were already engaged at that point.
Don't be fooled by the smiles:
A&M/Tech weekend in College Station 2006A&M/Tech weekend in Lubbock 2007
A&M/Tech weekend in College Station 2008
So here we go again tonight. The trash talking started around 7:50 this morning via e-mail. May the best (wo)man win.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Random Monday Rambling

Fern on Saturday night

When I was a kid I would ALWAYS do magic tricks. I mean, I was really a nerd about it. I had all of these magic kits and everything. When I was helping my mom clean out my old bedroom a few months ago, I found some of my old magic tricks, and I decided to take them to school. Well this afternoon, things were getting a little dull, and my kids were getting really restless. I decided to bust out some magic tricks. It was the funniest thing!

There is one trick where you have this really thin black string. Then you put a small amount of wax (like the kind you used to put on your braces) on both ends of the string. You attach one end to your finger nail and the other end on a paper or whatever you want to "levitate." I was walking around the room and into Tammie's class "levitating" their papers. Tammie and I were cracking up, because our kids were FREAKING out. They are so gullible!! Let me tell you, they hung on every word I said for the rest of the day. It was great!

Also, I was really honored last week to be one of the teachers nominated for Teacher of the Year at my school, along with Tammie and Nancy, who teaches second grade. I didn't accept the nomination, but before you start thinking it was some big, noble thing, it wasn't. Really it wasn't.

First of all, I just didn't feel right about the whole thing. With the way I'm feeling and my leaving next year, it just wasn't right. The thought of it actually make me feel kind of sick. Secondly, Tammie and I felt funny about "running" against each other. Thirdly, Nancy is absolutely amazing and deserved it in every way. She has had an incredibly difficult year and overcome many things, both personally and professionally. There is no one better to receive the award this year, and so Tammie and I "withdrew our names" because Nancy so deserved to win. I have Nancy's wonderful son Cole in my class this year, and I am so happy for her!!

We had a fun rest of the weekend and now the Spring Break count down is on!! On Saturday night we went over to Lisa & Ryan's for dinner and to visit sweet Addyson. She is at SUCH a cute age!! She just laughs and talks away and skips around the house singing songs! She knows all the words to "Can You Feel The Love Tonight?" and can identify about 30 dvds without the case. She also uses a lot of funny expressions like, "That's excellent news!" and can say the word "quadrilateral." I think Fern is highly advanced and super smart! After she went to bed, the four of us stayed up playing this card game called Rook until 1 a.m.! It was a lot of fun, and to make things even better, Lisa & I wound up beating the guys after they were talking so much trash.

Golf lessons start back up today!! I'm really looking forward to it (and paying full price), and hoping the rain will hold off until at least 6:30. Dave Ramsey, before you say anything with your thrifty ways, I am paying cash okay?! I did finish his book last night. Minus the fact that his wife sounds about as interesting as my coffee table with her "commentary" at the end of each chapter- I thought the book was great! It helped me a whole lot. And anyways let me just add, if Dave's wife had a blog, I bet no one would even read it because it would not be funny or clever or smart or even original in the least bit. So there.

Thanks to everyone for the money saving tips on my last post! I got some good ideas and even got a few e-mails with smart ideas as well. Keep them coming! I really want to hear more. Do you use coupons? Where do you bargain shop? Tell me everything!

Speaking of bargain shopping- I want to have our carpets cleaned next week so today I called around to three different places. Dave Ramsey would be proud because not only was I price shopping, I tried to negotiate a little bit. Let me just tell you what a racket these places are.

I was on the phone with the first place, not naming names- we'll call this one "267-8433." He quoted me a price and I thanked him and told him I was going to shop around. Suddenly, he "remembered" that if I booked today, I could get a 10% "green discount." I asked him what that was, and he mumbled some made up answer about me booking a week in advance so that they can get cheaper gas and plan our their route to come to our house during that time. Say what?? 267-8433, I'd say that's a little sketch.

Pray Tell??

I am SO happy it's the weekend!! Nick and I went to yoga this morning and are just spending the day being lazy and getting some stuff done around the house. Tonight we're going over to Lisa & Ryan's for dinner, so I'm really looking forward to seeing them and Addyson.

I am almost finished with Financial Peace. I have really enjoyed reading this book so far. It has also given Nick and I a lot to talk about, and it makes me feel really good because for the most part, we are doing things like the book says you should. I feel like I understand a lot of the basics more than I did before I read the book, and I get where Nick is coming from in regards to our money better. We have even started watching Dave Ramsey's show on Fox news together.

Last night I read the chapter on buying only bargains and negotiating, and I wanted to get some advice from you guys. I need help! Badly.

Dave talks about the importance of never paying full price for anything and never impulse buying. He says that anytime you want to purchase something, you have to be patient and spend the time looking for the best price out there.

I know that is something I definitely need to improve upon- patience is a virtue and something I am lacking a great deal of. The rumor that all teachers are patient is a lie. I am definitely not a patient person.

Dave talks about learning how to negotiate with people when you want to buy something, and as I was reading this, I started to wonder- is it really possible to negotiate everyday purchases? Do people do that? I mean, obviously when you buy a house or a car or other big purchases there is going to be a lot of negotiating. But Dave's making it sound like every purchase should be negotiated. This is something I'm really not comfortable with, and I don't know exactly where you can and can't negotiate.

For example, I know that most nail places around here charge $28 for a pedicure. So is it appropriate to ask for a lower price, given that is the going rate? Or golf lessons- my golf instructor charges a flat rate per hour and has a lot of clients- is it appropriate to try and negotiate that rate with her? What about when you buy things on websites such as Etsy? I buy a lot of invitations and stationary online- should I be e-mailing them and asking for a lower price or I am going to be told exactly where I can shove that lower price?

Okay, I know that you can't go up to the check out counter at Albertson's and say, "Look I'm only going to give you 25 cents for this onion." without the cashier laughing in your face, but do people negotiate at say, clothing stores? Or if I wanted to buy a set of sheets such as these really badly, what would be the most affordable way to get them or something similar? I need some advice!

I don't shop at overly expensive stores or anything, but I get really frustrated (the old lack of patience perhaps) when I go in stores like Ross and TJ Maxx because I can't ever find ANYTHING! It makes me so mad because the only thing I can find for $4 is like.. a white t-shirt with a hole in it. Then Andrea or Natalie will go to that same store and find a cute necklace, gold peep toe heels and a black jacket for $4. Maybe I just don't have an eye for bargains or something.

Teach me your ways. Exactly how and where do you, personally, get good prices on things?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bags o' Brittle

Today when I came home from school I had a package from Colorado. Rhonda sent me homemade peanut brittle (my favorite!!) and a card that says "When the goin' gets tough, the tough eat peanut brittle." How sweet is that?!?!

My dad was in town last week for my grandma's birthday, and I guess he um... picked up on the fact that I've been really unhappy with my job. Well, it probably had something to do with the ear full I gave him or possibly the fact that when Nick picked him up from the airport and brought him to our house, I was sitting in the backyard drinking a Bud Lite lime at 4:30 p.m. staring at the weeds in a dismal haze. It was that kind of day. It's been that kind of year.

It's just everything I talked about in this post. I feel all of those things so strongly, and it makes me feel really sad and lost because I have ALWAYS wanted to be a teacher. Plus the fact that we have new administration at my school this year so a lot has changed from last year. I'm not saying anything bad about the new administration, things are just different. And sometimes when philosophies and ways of doing things change, it's better to find a place where you can find ones similar to your own.

Needless to say, it's led to many-a-night of Nick and I staying up until after midnight talking and me crying my eyes out. I feel like I've hit a dead end in many ways. I've thought about starting a new career, but my heart is still in education. I love kids, and I don't know what else I would want to do.

And let me just say, thank goodness for my class! It's no coincidence with everything else going on that I really do have the best kids this year. I lucked out, and I love them so much- they are just so funny! Today one of my students Austin walked into math singing, "I can feeeeeel it coming in the air tonight. Oh lord. I've been waiting for this moment all my life. Oh lord." Nothing like a little Phil Collins to kick off your day! I laughed so hard. When I asked him how he knew that song, he told me, "I know all that music. My mom was at her prime in the 80s." I laughed and laughed and laughed!! Her prime?!?!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happiness & A Ford Pinto

a) The Bachelor: I'll keep this simple.

Let's say that hypothetically, The Bachelor were a car dealership. That would make our host Chris Harrison a used car salesman. Last night's episode was the equivalent of Chris trying to sell us a 1988 Ford Pinto...crappy and I'm not buying it. (Witty and clever, if I may say so myself!)

I am going to keep my faith in humanity and think this whole thing was scripted like Reality Steve predicted. I am choosing not to believe that someone would actually end an engagment on national TV. My seven year relationship with The Bachelor has officially ended.

b) I got a fortune cookie in Pei Wei last summer that said: Doing what you love is freedom. Loving what you do is happiness. I thought that was real clever because it has the name of my school in it and everything, so I taped it to the monitor on my classroom computer before school started this year.

It is time to take some action-I need to LOVE my job again. And it is my intention to get back to that. I told my principal and vice principal on Friday that I won't be returning next year. Friday was the start of teacher transfers, so we'll see what happens!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Friends, Family & Ebelskivers

We had a nice, relaxing weekend. On Friday night Nick and I went to yoga and cooked dinner. Yesterday morning we went to yoga again and then Andrea and Chris came to spend the day with us. I think this is such a cute picture of Nick, Andrea & Lexi (who is trying her best not to be jealous that her dad is sitting by another girl)!!

Jenny was in town from Austin because she and Natalie ran a half marathon Saturday morning! So on Saturday night the four of us went to Fort Worth to meet Jenny, Nat & David for dinner and to go out.

This morning I decided to make Ebelskivers (e-bull-ski-vurs). I have talked about them before, but I wanted to write about them again and include some pictures because they're so good and very unusual.

First of all, if you want to make Ebelskivers you need to buy a pan. I bought this one last spring with a gift card, but this one is a lot cheaper. Last time I made them I used a recipe, but I found it to be a lot easier to just buy this mix at Williams-Sonoma. Then, all you have to do is add eggs, butter and your filling. I used Nutella today- I love Nutella on anything! Last time I made these I used fresh blueberries.
It's important (I found out last time I made them!) to separate your eggs. Then, you whisk the egg whites until they are stiff- almost like a meringue.
Next you beat all of your ingredients together and spray the pan. I have also learned by trial and error that you only need to fill the wells about a quarter of the way full.
You have to work really quickly here and add your filling.
And then top with more batter. Again, the Ebelskeivers expand very quickly so you have to be careful just to fill the wells about half to three quarters of the way full. Then you use skewers (or a fork works okay) to flip them over.
I finished them off with sifted powdered sugar today. Depending on your filling, you could drizzle syrup on them instead.

Every time I make Ebelskivers I think of Andrea and I making them for the first time at that infamous Mother's Day brunch! These would also be pretty to serve at a shower.

My family and Nick's family always eat a big breakfast on Christmas morning. One day when Nick and I have little kids running around and Christmas morning is at our house, I think these would be fun to serve. Hopefully our kids will come up with a simpler name for them than Ebelskivers.