
Friday, September 21, 2012

Seven & Eight Month Pics

I'm afraid modeling isn't in Logan's future.

At the recommendation of our photographer, we tried taking his newborn pictures when he was three days old, which happened to be the day after we came home from the hospital. We loaded up in the car and drove to our photographers house in the rain early Christmas Eve morning with our three day old baby. It was ROUGH. I was in a lot of pain from my c-section and generally feeling out of it, Logan was fussy from his circ. the day before, we were all exhausted... Not a great choice in hindsight. Next time we'll know.

For his six month pictures our photographer recommended we wait closer to seven months so he would be sitting up and easier to photograph. Turns out he skipped his nap and it was about 112 degrees with 100% humidity the morning we took these. We were all SWEATING and thisclose to catching West Nile from all the mosquitos. Logan was melting down and ready for his nap... again- not the best experience.

The last two pics were taken as a semi make up session at our photographer's house on his 8 month birthday. Just like with his newborn pictures, there are some I really do like. I'm hoping the next round of pics will go a little more smoothly. Third time's a charm right?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

As of yesterday our kitchen is {basically} DONE! I love how it turned out!!!! I'm so excited to share! Forgive me for drawing this out just a bit, but I want you to get the full effect.

This was the kitchen before, when the previous owners lived here. This was the picture they used on the listing, so it's all fancied up.
These are pictures I took on the day of inspection.

Super nice kitchen, but the black trim and the hung too low like you're at a buffet, modern lights in a not so modern style kitchen bugged me. I had always wanted antique white cabinets- those are still my favorites, but I thought with a little work I could really love this kitchen as it is.

Then this was moving week. NOT FUN.
And when I at least got everything unpacked & a candle lit:
So the first thing we did was have all of the trim and the pantry door frame redone. That took an entire day and created quite a dusty mess, but it was much, much better to my eye. Blank slate.
Oh, and not to mention the almost World War III that broke out between Nick and Sears to get our fridge. You know, the one we had actually picked out and paid for and one that didn't have a giant dent in the door. I think that took them three? maybe four? trips out here to make that happen. Oh well. Such is life, right?

Then there was A LOT of this.
I'm not even gonna lie and pretend I just stuck some things up on top of the cabinets, picked out some new fixtures, and called it a day. No. I wish decorating were that easy for me. 

I antagonized over those lights. I made about a bazillion trips and return trips to Homegoods. Andrea came over one Sunday night and helped me decorate the area above the cabinets while Teri and my mom stood below the ladder sipping wine and pointing and telling us to shift things left just a little. Fun memories!!
Then the next day, I took down everything we had done, except for the tiny area above the fridge and finally, FINALLY got it looking how I wanted. After a few more trips to Homegoods.
Next, we replaced the faucet (not pictured oops!) and my light fixtures came in. When my dad was in town he hung the three above the bar. And I loved how they turned out!
And at long last, yesterday our handyman came and took down the two lights above the island, patched and repainted the dry wall, and hung the one single lantern light. It literally took him all day to do that and our kitchen was a dusty mess once again after he finished. But SO very worth it. And now, as I said, it is {basically} finished.

All of the time, thought, and work it took just make me love our kitchen that much more. Once again, a shot of the kitchen before...
And here is our kitchen now..... DRUM ROLL.....

As you can see, my soup is on the stove and I didn't pick up the Bumbo or the stuff off the cabinets. Real life =D The next thing on my list is to remember to pick up light bulbs for the new lantern light.

Here is a peek in our pantry:
The cool thing is, it's a giant L shape. You take a right past the trash cans and it keeps going to this:
I think this will be a perfect spot to stash an art easel and other things like that for Logan and future kids.

I LOVE OUR KITCHEN and hope you did too. Thanks for touring.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Three Years In One Day

I don't know what it was today, but Logan seemed so BIG. So much like a little boy instead of a baby. Here are some pictures I took this afternoon, unedited, straight off of my camera. It was a gorgeous afternoon and we spent a lot of it outside in the backyard. Something about him standing at the fence in his jeans watching Lexi felt like a significant moment. It was like I was seeing him in a different way, as a little boy instead of my baby. That may sound strange because it was such a simple thing, but I wanted to capture it and remember it.

Love isn't a strong enough word.

And again this afternoon, watching Baby Babble up in his playroom eating a snack. 
He's never really paid much attention to the TV before and he's certainly never fed himself his snack. 
It's like catching a glimpse of my baby boy as a KID. Weird and amazing all at the same time.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy Drizzly September Sunday!

~From Logan and Me~
(And Nick too)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Claiming Awesome

Briefly, I'd like to discuss a phenomenon. I call this phenomenon claiming awesome. Why is it that anything unique or cute Logan does, Nick automatically claims as coming from his DNA?

"I think it's hilarious that Logan does that fake laugh," I'll say.
"Well you know where he gets that don't you?" Nick pipes up. "From me. I've heard it on old video tapes. I used to always do a fake laugh when I was little and it sounded just like that."

"Logan sure loves to move and get into everything!" I'll point out.
"Oh I know!" Nick will say. "That comes from me."

"Awww, Logan can't get enough mandarin oranges!" I'll remark.
"Oh really? That's so funny because when I was little my mom said I used to love mandarin oranges. He gets that from me."

So I'm making a new rule in my house. I get that 95.99% of Logan's looks are from his dad. I can't deny that, and I think it's adorable. However, from now on, no one in this house is allowed to claim all of Logan's awesome, especially before the other person has a chance to chime in. The awesome is reserved strictly for Logan. Effective immediately.

The other day three giant boxes arrived on our front porch. I was doing something important on the computer when Nick carried them in the house. 

"What in the world did you order now?" he asked me.
I glanced over at the boxes and resumed my computer work. "Those are my deer heads."
"HA. HA. No really, what did you order?"he asked again.
I stopped what I was doing and spun around in the desk chair to face him and the boxes. "I'm serious. Those are my deer heads."
"Oh okay," he said. "Well in that case I'm just going to set them here and you can unpack your 'deer heads' whenever you finish Facebook stalking."

So I finished my important business, retrieved the box cutter, and carried the contents of said boxes into the living room for him to see.

Blog readers and friends: it would give me great pleasure to introduce you all to my deer.
Kindly meet Bram (purple), Lois (light blue) and Sharon (red).

If you grew up in the 80s watching The Elephant Show, you'll understand the reference.

Nick has designated the office and the media room as his space in the new house. My space is a little bedroom just off the kitchen that I'm turning into a zone of creativity slash writing nook. 

Exhibit A: 
I love, love, love how this bedroom is coming together. Everything about it feels like mine. To make it extra special, the headboard is an old door that my friend Kelsey refinished for me. 

We found this desk in the clearance section at a local furniture store:
It's amazing what a new set of knobs ($1.50 each at Hob Lob) and the right chair can do to a piece of furniture:
I'll post more pictures once I get the room finished, I just have to hang a few things on the walls and find the right curtains. But you can look forward to some extra creative blog posts coming from the creativity zone slash writing nook in the future.

Speaking of furniture- on Thursday our couch, coffee table and one end table were delivered!!! We are getting so close to having everything finished. Most of all- it's just nice to have a couch instead of lawn chairs to relax on. I will post pictures of the new house once everything comes in, and also be needing some advice on what in the world to do with our bedroom. I need a vision.

On Thursday I met my blog friend turned real life friend Kari for lunch. 
We had a really great time talking and catching up and even celebrated my birthday early! (We missed you, Kassie!!!)

Friday I went to visit Liz and sweet Mark up at Children's in Dallas. 
His surgery was last Monday, and I'm happy to report it went well (as well as something like that can) and he is on the road to recovery. So, so, so thankful and relieved for them.

This morning I went to the hospital again to meet my childhood BFF Carrie's new baby A.J.

Such a little doll! I love him!!!

Although, since becoming a mother I've changed my feelings on newborns and actually prefer them a little more sturdy and well sleeping. Kind of like this guy:

While I went to visit Mark on Friday Layne baby-sat, and I just had to share these pictures. SO. FREAKING. HILARIOUS. We've had some chilly weather, and she bundled my little hood rat up for a walk in his stroller.

As Layne put it, "He didn't chose the thug life. The thug life chose him."

NOBODY can claim that kind of awesome!!!

Have a great rest of the weekend!