We had a great rest of the holiday weekend! Nick had Thursday and Friday off (and basically Wednesday too), so we've had a nice long weekend. Nick played golf one day, and we went out on a friend's boat another day.
It was Logan's first time on a boat (and he was the only kid). He did great! I even got to ski which made me happy happy happy!
Boy + Mom + Lake= Bliss
We spent Saturday with Andrea & Chris and went to Del Frisco's that night with Nick's fam for his birthday! Bailey down the street kept Logan, and for the first time *ever* he didn't cry when we left him with Bailey. He got all excited at the idea of going outside to play chalk, and he barely batted an eye when we left. It made my night about a million times better! The six of us hadn't gone to do something in a long time, and we had a lot of fun! You just can't get a meal much better than Del Frisco's.
Today Nick and I braved teaching the three year old Sunday School Class at church. They needed some teachers to fill in for the summer, so I signed Nick and I up to do a couple of Sundays. I pulled out my magical kindergarten teacher tricks and Nick was my magician's assistant, and everything went so well! Our lesson was on angels, but I can promise you angels was about the last thing on their minds.
My favorite part of the morning was when we took the kids down the hall to get a drink holding that rope they carry and I looked back to see Nick holding on to a ring at the back of the line spurring the kids on. He was so cute with those three year olds! There is nothing sweeter than a man who's great with kids!
I kept thinking today would make me miss teaching. Not so much. I really, really enjoyed this morning and the kids were so good, but my emotions started and ended right there. I'm always doing these little litmus tests on myself just to make sure. I loved- I mean loved- teaching and it's weird to me that I never miss it, but I don't. I thought I would, but I guess it means I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.
Playing in the new indoor playground after church
The other great thing that happened today was that for the first time *ever* Logan didn't shed a single tear going to his Sunday School. He walked in on his own accord and starting playing with the toys. Talk about shocked!! I don't know what's gotten into him, but I am so relieved and proud!
We had lunch at Panera and this was Logan's preferred method of sitting. He stayed in his booster seat the entire time and ate all of his lunch, but we thought it was so funny how he sat! (We had taken off his shoes because we realized after church they were way too small- oops!)
At lunch I was eating an apple and he kept wanting to take bites off the apple. Meanwhile, I was trying to cut it into small pieces for him, and he picked the apple up, held it up to his chest and said, clear as day, "NO MOMMY! MINE!" Yowza! I think it's safe to say we have a toddler on our hands.
Tonight we swam and grilled BBQ chicken and corn and enjoyed fresh watermelon. Summer time eating at its finest! After dinner we stripped Logi down and he spent some time with one of his activities of choice:
Playing with "wax" aka Scentsy. He will sit there and open and close, stack and smell those things and load them in his dump truck for the longest time. Hey, whatever works, right???
Apparently we have a bit of a Johnny Drama on our hands...