
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nick's Birthday/ The Fourth

Most years Nick feels a little slighted on his birthday since it overlaps with a holiday. This year the boys and I really went out of our way to make it a special one for him, and I think he really enjoyed it. 

He had picked out a golf bag he wanted at Colonial. The boys and I drove down and got it earlier in the week and also added gift cards from other people in the family and all of his favorite snacks. 

We had breakfast at Colonial and went to play a few holes of golf as a family. First Salomone family golf outing. I use the term "playing golf," loosely, although the boys did great and lasted so much longer than we thought they would. 

My clubs were more than a little rusty. The grips were also sticky and gooey. YUCK! It was so much fun, I hope one day to take some lessons maybe when Beck starts school. 

When the first golf course you ever play is Colonial, it's all downhill from here. Ha! 

We had gone to see fireworks with the Gregorys the night before, so between being up late doing that and golf in the heat, Logan and Everett were OUT on the drive home from Ft. Worth. Love those brother leans.

Later that afternoon (after naps) we had our families over for fajitas and swimming. Everyone pitched in so much, and I really tried to make it where Nick didn't have to lift a finger. I marinated all the chicken and Nick's Uncle Steve was so sweet to grill it all in the blazing heat. Teri made Nick's favorite ice cream pie and a dip, my mom made appetizers and fixings, D'Lynn and Jeanice brought fruit... we had all kinds of food when it was said and done. 

A game on the newly acquired ping pong table the boys have been saving for since spring with Uncle Steve.
Rusty, Diane and Corbin ended up coming as well. Deed and Chris were in Michigan and Stacey & Peyton were in Canada. JG (and Gus) showed up being the fun uncle and brought stuff for root beer floats for all the boys. It was a big hit. He ended up spending the night with us, which was so much fun! I love having all my boys (minus my dad) in one place!!

When you and your gma twin!
Frat party with ping pong and Dude Perfect after everyone left

I don't post often on Facebook, but I wanted to post a little something for Nick's birthday. I love him so much, and I'm so thankful he's ours!

Happy Birthday Nick!!! If you don’t live with him, you might not know he is the one quietly paying the bill of the person in uniform or sending an entire kitchen set to a co-worker’s son in Florida he has never met whose house flooded. You might not know how he coaches the boys’ baseball teams and will do absolutely anything for his family and friends. He also fills my car up with gas on the reg, handles ALL the responsible adult things in our life and is the only reason we’re ever on time. He {mostly} loves my shenanigans and is always my biggest fan. After a long day at work he helps me fold the last load of laundry late at night or put away the dishes because he knows it matters to me. Nick is a great husband but is THE most amazing dad. My favorite things are watching him throw endless pitches and listening to him read books on character and leadership to the boys. The boys are going to be amazing men largely in part to his example, and to them... he is a hero. Happy 3️⃣8️⃣ Nick, we love you with our whole hearts!!!!
The annual pic!!!

Finishing Up June

Closing out June memories:
Birthday presents FTW

Kylee surprised Rex with tickets to see Train & Goo Goo Dolls and was kind enough to include us. We had dinner at Del Frisco's Grille beforehand. It was a fun throwback to the early 2000's.

The next day we the Palmers invited us over for dinner. We've known them for years- Logan was in preschool and goes to Johnson with Caroline & Elizabeth. Everett went to preschool and plays t-ball with Johnny. In fact, his dad Nick and John coached the team the past two seasons. We have ALWAYS done the thing where we say we'll get together and never do. I was so thrilled they made it happen. Their house and especially their backyard are gorgeous. It was a really relaxing and fun night!

Every single night of summer for these two.

Nick has also been reading the Warrior Kid series to the boys every night for the past month of so before bedtime. The three of them are really into it, and it's so awesome to watch!! They are written by a former Navy Seal whose book on leadership Nick read. He ordered the boys the kids' series which is just about character traits, discipline, etc. I listen in a couple times a week and listen to their discussions, and I am so proud Nick is doing this with them. 
Sunday morning swimming with the Allshouses- another summer tradition!

The last week in June Logan and Everett returned to Camp Thurman. They had an absolute blast. They've enjoyed it in the past, but this summer they especially loved it. They came home hot and tired every day and eager to tell us all about their adventures. Two of the days when I picked them up Logan came out to the car dressed like this, sans shoes. I was kind of speechless. I swear I sent him to camp looking somewhat normal. He said a kid in his group taught them how to do their shirts like this...

Proof. I mean, the eye black is a little extra but it was the last day of camp, and just.. whatever.

I so wisely set up Beck's Camp Double S (he just did one night) at Mimi's so that it coincided with Camp Thurman. This gave me basically an entire day in the house ALONE!!! It was glorious!!! I went to yoga, drank coffee, read Pete Buttigieg's book (and became his #1 fan) and snuggled with Lolly. Glorious!!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

All the Love, None of the Fanfare

This is the story of the third child. We are playing into the stereotype perfectly and setting Beck up for a lifetime of therapy I'm afraid.
When Logan and Everett were each newly two I was very pregnant with their little brothers. With much angst about having two in diapers and adding a member to the family, we set out to potty train them using the "three day method" with a bevy of prizes and rewards charts and being home bound and timers. Lots of timers. I think Logan even sat on a plastic mat for a couple of days.

Looking back, I'm sure we pushed them before they were ready, but we did what we thought we had to do. It was me (and sometimes Nick) alone with them trying to figure out how to do what seemed like a huge thing.

With Beck, I've put it off and put it off. There was no reason to rush things. Potty training was not our most successful endeavor with the other two. Now, a full year older than his brothers were, I finally decided it was time. There were no prizes or sticker charts. We haven't really set timers, and we don't exactly have three days to sit at home and not leave the house (we would all kill each other!) So... potty training the third went like this...

I pulled his underwear out of his drawer on Friday morning on a whim and said, "It's time to wear big boy undees now! No more diapers! Tell me when you have to potty so you don't get these wet." End of story.

I say that, but in truth I did keep an eye on the clock (kind of) and remind him to go, and on Saturday night we did watch the Daniel Tiger potty training episode. So there's that. We're not complete give ups. It's just that he's so much older than they were, and after a couple laps around the block you realize, there's just no need for the gusto. 

The second milestone that happened this weekend was that Beck finally got a "big boy bed." He's been in the toddler bed far too long. Again, I genuinely feel terrible about this but with the other two, a new baby was taking their crib so there was a necessity to move them into new beds. They had a total new room unveiling of sorts. We've just kind of let this one slide. JG and Stacey offered us their almost brand new queen headboard and bed, so we've just needed to go to Ft. Worth and pick it up. Eventually, Beck will move upstairs and this will be our guest bedroom, and he will get a masterfully designed room of his own. So I want him to be excited and feel comfortable in his room now, but I also don't want to spend a ton of money only to completely redo it soon. First world catch 22.

Similar to potty training, the new bed transition went like this.
(Saturday morning)
Nick: We've got to move Beck to a big bed. Will you text the Heldoorn and see if we can borrow their truck to go pick up that bed from your brother?

And so, without a single monogrammed thing ordered from a catalogue or a theme in mind, Beck got his new bed also on a whim. It arrived with beautiful white Pottery Barn bedding, but I figured we could get by with adding some fun sheets for him.

Andrea and Chris were over when Nick got back, and the four the boys and Lolly had an absolute blast doing gymnastics on the bed. 

At 7:00 that night when cousins left, Beck and I set out to find him some fun sheets. Sadly, kids' sheets only come in a queen size online no matter where you go. We settled on some that he calls "star sheets," (I'd say that's a stretch), fro yo and ordering some online to be delivered Tuesday. We came home and watched the Daniel Tiger I mentioned and he took a bath while his sheets washed. He enjoyed the special time and knowing that he was up late while "brothers," were sleeping. What we lack in fanfare for him, we make up with in love. 
First night in his new bed!!! He was a little nervous going to sleep, but got extra stories and cuddles from Nick and I & slept great. I know he's got to be so much more comfortable than he was in that tiny toddler bed.

Tonight he wanted brothers to sleep with him... he has been dying to get in on the action of the brother slumber party, and we promised when he got his big bed he could try.

Needless to say, it didn't last long. Logan and Everett ended up in Logan's bed and Beck ended up in tears. We'll try again soon. Three in bed together was a stretch.

I also had to post this hilarious picture of Beck... the other day he and I were running errands. We stopped by Rack and he took his shoes off and slipped on these hot leopard slides. He was absolutely furious- crying and screaming- because I wouldn't buy them for him.
I would call this a no love, lots of fanfare situation on his part. 

Monday, June 24, 2019

Anniversary (12!!) Dinner That Almost Wasn't & Other Fun Things

On Saturday the 22nd we celebrated our anniversary, since the 23rd belongs almost exclusively to Beck, save us exchanging cards and a few anniversary well wishes. We're happy to share the day!

Nick and I laughed, our anniversary dinner was just a perfect reflection of our life at 12 years. It was so hectic trying to get ready, and then the baby-sitter didn't show up (she had forgotten), so we almost didn't get to go out to dinner. Then, when we came home Beck came sauntering out of his room at 10:00 (!!!) and while we were getting him to go to sleep, Lolly had an accident on his floor and I had to get the carpet cleaner and clean that up. What a romantic night it was! Haha! The chaos and the crazy and the fun- that's just life for us right now with three young kids and a puppy. I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so thankful Nick is the person I get to share this wonderful life with! I'm also thankful in a couple of weeks Mimi and Grammy are taking the boys for the weekend and gifting us with a staycation!!!! Nick and I are sooooo excited!

We had a delicious dinner at Pappas Brothers Steakhouse in Dallas. We hadn't eaten there before and both really enjoyed it. 

WELCOME HOME! Beck + The Bissell 
This is 12 years! It's definitely a high point!

With Logan at "Camp Double S" last week I got some really great time with Everett and Beck. They went to Chapel Hill Camp for two of the days Logan was gone, but were home by 2:00 each day which still gave us plenty of time to play. We swam a lot, which we all really enjoyed!

After a long morning at camp. Ha!

Lots of art...

Also, lately, we've been having a lot of what Nick calls "trough" dinners. I love it- that is so exactly an Al Salomone thing to say.

Trough dinner ^^
Perfectly fitting because as Nick says, we all just stand around and eat.
I just cut up cheese and put pepperoni and salami and fruit and veggies and whatever we have on a cutting board and call it done. It's the perfect summer dinner. It's too hot to cook anything else. My meal plan has sort of gone by the wayside at the moment.
More art (this was a birthday present) and this night, following trough dinner, the four of us went to get fro yo!

We were SO glad to see Logan on Friday- the boys missed him, and I really, really missed him! But he had a great time and we enjoyed doing some fun things while he was gone.