For Your Information by Paul Myers in ASTA
Senior collector Paul Myers of Goshen, IN was at the recent Calumet Council Memorial Day Trade-o-ree. Paul is a former editor of the Trader magazine in the 1960s. In the 1990s he wrote a regular column for ASTA, the America Scout Traders Association, which merged with NSCA to form ISCA the national group today. At the TOR Paul was handing out a compilation of the articles he wrote for ASTA. It is now contained in a PDF below. It covers over 75 topics of Scouting collectibles. Not in depth necessarily but my guess is that even veteran collectors will learn something knew from going through these pages.
The topics include:
- Amaquonsippi trail patches
- US Grant Pilgrimage patches
- Lincoln Pilgrimage patches
- Contest medals
- Henderson Award System
- Belt Stencils
- Colored Background Service Stars
- BSA Anniversary Week
- Ribbon Pin Bars
- 100% Duty
- Standard Church Troop Bars
- Original Twelve Regions
- OA Chapter Flaps
- Early Registration Cards
- Scout Emergency Units
- Recruiter Strips
- Scout Diaries
- Boy Rangers of America
- District Badges
- Region 7 Hoe Down
- Sweater, swim suit, hat and jacket badges
- Veteran Emblems
- Explorer Top Awards
- Presidents Awards & Quality Unit
- SeniorScout Titles
- Civic Service
- Overseas Travel Badges
- Service Library
- WW 1 War Service Medals
- National Service Camps
- Boy Scout Bands
- Tenure in Scout Camp
- Service Troops
- Jamboree Staff Positions
- Jamboree Participation Awards
- Jamboree Contingent items
- Jamboree Shoulder Identification
- 1950 Jamboree Prototypes
- Variations in Jamboree Patches and Neckerchiefs
- Jamboree Region Items
- Strengthen the Arm of Liberty Program
- Take Me Home Folders
- Scout Straight Knives
- Scoutmaster’s Key
- Cub Scouting
- First Class Hat Pins
- Patrol Identification
- Folding Pocket Knives
- OA Chapter Badges
- Scout Rings
- Pin Back Buttons
- State Strips
- Early Camp Honor Societies
- Philadelphia District Badges
- Region Standard Camp Badges
- Philmont Contingent Patches
- Merit Badges
- Boycraft Co. Booklets
- 10 Year Program Award
- Sea Scout Ships