The Phoenix has appeared in myth in cultures spanning the globe, from Egypt to Japan to Native American lore. It is always associated with the sun and usually immortality and rebirth. This legendary bird was believed to die in its self-made flames periodically then rise again out of its own ashes (some say after three days and therefore often connected with Christ in Christianity). Linked to the worship of the fiery sun and sun gods such as Mexico's Quetzalcoatl, it was named "a god of Phoenecia" by the Phoenician. To alchemists, it symbolized the the destruction and creation of new forms of matter along the way to the ultimate goal: the philosopher's stone.
But I wanted to show the connection of the Phoenix with the Divine Feminine. Often the Phoenix, because it is connected to the Sun, is connected to the Sun gods and the masculine. Once again, this is a goddess symbol that has been stolen or rather hidden. The Phoenix is truly a symbol of the Divine Feminine that is returning now from the ashes. Those ashes are of all the women that were burned as witches when the Patriarchy tried to stamp out the goddess once and for all. But now many of those "witches" have returned and are bringing the Goddess back out of the ashes.
But I wanted to show the connection of the Phoenix with the Divine Feminine. Often the Phoenix, because it is connected to the Sun, is connected to the Sun gods and the masculine. Once again, this is a goddess symbol that has been stolen or rather hidden. The Phoenix is truly a symbol of the Divine Feminine that is returning now from the ashes. Those ashes are of all the women that were burned as witches when the Patriarchy tried to stamp out the goddess once and for all. But now many of those "witches" have returned and are bringing the Goddess back out of the ashes.
It is interesting that just recently it was all over Facebook about the news of the 13th astrological sign and that everyone's astrology sign had changed. Well, astrologers have known about this for centuries. The Phoenix is the 13th sign, 13 is the number of the goddess. We are just now becoming aware of her resurrection and rebirth.
The Divine Feminine is essentially our connection to our souls. For some reason, as human beings developed their minds, most lost their connection to their soul (I say most, because a few spiritual movements taught how to develop the mind without losing that connection like the Taoist). Also as we developed our minds we lost our connection to nature. The Goddess is connected to our primordial nature. She is always connected to animals, birds, plants, and the oldest of symbols the serpents and dragons. The serpent represents our reptilian brain that acts on instinctual impulses. As we developed our minds the prevailing thought became that this was a part of us that needed to be conquered, the dragon that needed to be defeated. With the goddess the snake is often showed as a companion and protector. To have the serpent as guardian rather than adversary means that what was blind and unconscious and in its primordial state in us has been raised to consciousness.
The Phoenix in myth is often a blend of a bird and a serpent, thus making it the perfect symbol of the balance between spirit and matter. Birds have long been associated with the goddess as they are a symbol of the spirit and are messengers of the Otherworld. The Phoenix is a messenger bird of the goddess, and is returning to help us remember our true connection to our soul and to the soul of the Earth. We are now being reborn into a new consciousness that is one human beings have never experience before. We have developed our minds and can now use our spirit to raise what was unconscious to the light of consciousness.
I painted my Phoenix white to represent the purity of the soul (and I was influenced by the Phoenix in the Harry Potter movies, big fan :). I gave her some peacock like feathers to represent the third eye opening. Also my Keeper has 6 roses. Six is the number of Venus and the roses can be connected to love and the heart chakra among so many other associations.