Blah, It's February

So I've decided I'm not too good at this blogging thing. Too much commitment? Maybe! I think updating the rest of the world on my life once a month is more than suffice, but I feel like a slacker when I see the weekly, and even daily, blogs of my friends and family. We must have a boring life because I just don't feel like I have that much to share that often. You know the drill: we get up, have breakfast, send Ryan to school, put Nick down for a nap, do some office work, Ryan comes home, we make lunch, do some homework, play in the afternoons, make dinner, do baths, go to bed, and then we do it all over again the next day with some minor changes once in a while.
I did have Nick in to the doctor AGAIN the other day with another lovely double ear infection. This is like the umpteenth ear infection he's had, so we're going in to and ENT on Friday to deal with tubes and hopefully tonsils and adnoids -sp?- (for the poor sleep, the sleep apnea, and the snoring). I will keep you updated on the upcoming doctors appointment as I hope it will encourage some better sleep habits from Nick.


chr!st!e said...

Good luck with the Dr. If you want me to watch Ryan while you go, let me know. The kids would love to have him over!

ourhaskellfamily said...

Hope the ENT can give you all some relief!!! Its no fun for anyone when Nick doesn't feel good!!

Sheryl said...

You are a great blogger! I am sometimes overwhelmed by what some people blog in comparison to what I blog. So I just decided the blog is for me to share what I want. I don't worry about being witty or funny or even interesting. I am just me and I think that's enough. Some blog way more and some blog way less--that's fine.

I hear ya with the "same old same old" of life. I love the regular routine--that is what most of life is and it's enjoyable.

Jennie Minor said...

I know how you feel. I think that my life is like the movie "Groundhog Day"...the same thing every second of every day. But I love it!

Megan Andersen said...

My mom always tells me that these are the days that I am going to wish back oneday. Sometimes I find that hard to believe...ESPECIALLY when my kids are sick! You sound like your an incredible mother who has her priorities straight. Not like kids will go without baths, meals, & such because I can't get off this dang computer!!

(Okay, it's not that bad...but it's still pretty bad)