Friday, April 22, 2011

My Noah Bear is 1!

Last Friday Noah turned 1 year old.  I cannot believe how fast this past year went by.  He is still so much my baby.  Maybe I'll always see him as the "baby" until we have another one.  I love him so much.  Even just thinking about him as I type this just melts my heart.  He's got this round little face and "pinchy" cheeks that I completely adore. 

About my Noah-Son (don't know how he got that nickname but it has stuck):
1.  He loves, loves, loves food.  More like he's obsessed with food.  This can be a good thing and a bad thing.  He will gladly eat any food put in front of him, veggies included, but all day he is constantly pointing and begging to go in the kitchen to eat.  He now eats bigger portion sizes than his sister!
2.  Noah is very independent when we are at home, in his element.  He is totally content to crawl out of the room and play with toys by himself.  But if we are out or at someone else's house, he tends to be very needy and needs constant reassurance that mommy is close by.
3.  He will always be a "momma's boy" but he has now learned how fun daddy is and wants to be with him constantly.  I can't blame him.  Daddy is much more fun than me!
4.  He is walking!  He is not a pro yet but is getting braver by the day.  After he takes a few steps he will look at me and just giggle or smile because he's so proud that he can walk like his sis.
5.  He adores his sister.  He hugs her, kisses her, laughs at/with her and has to be right in the middle of everything she is doing.
6.  Did I say he loves food?
7.  He loves watching Baby Einstein movies. 
8.  Noah loves bike rides with the family.  He will happily sit in the ride-along with Grace and smile the entire ride.  (Sometimes he tries to eat the window too...)
9.  He is already a professional climber, trained by the best, Grace.  Poor mommy.
10.  Noah LOVES music.  He sings, dances and plays the guitar.  I'm really hoping that means he'll be musically talented like his daddy.
11.  Noah loves his family; grandparents, aunts, uncles, ect, but he is still very weary of strangers.  I'm okay with that!
12.  He loves and needs structure and routine.  He struggles during days when the routine is changed up.
13.  Noah has his own language.  He can repeat simple sounds and words but most of the time he says what he wants and combines sounds in very creative ways!  He has mastered pointing to things he wants and saying "this!" Usually what he wants is food.
14.  Crawling over and trying to splash around in the dog bowls before mommy notices is Noah's favorite game!
15. Noah loves to find the smallest corner/place and try to squeeze himself into it.  He often then panics and yells for someone to come save him.
16:  He is going to be the hardest baby in the world to stop nursing! 
17.  Gracie is the one that can make Noah laugh hardest and longest. He just thinks she is the funniest thing ever.
18.  Noah's current schedule:  5:30 - (eh) wakes up, eats and plays, 8:30 - takes a nap, 10:00 -wakes up, plays with sis, goes on walk/park, 11:30 - eats lunch, plays, helps mommy do chores, 1:00 - takes a nap, 3:00-wakes up, watches Baby Einstein and eats a snack, plays with sis, cries while mommy tries to cook dinner :) 5:30 - eats dinner, bath, reads books, 6:30 - goes to sleep.
19.  He is incredibly loved and is a such a blessing to us!

Happy Birthday my little handsome man. You have brought so much joy to our lives. We love you so much.

Oh how I love that face!

Is he not the cutest thing ever?!

Noah was so full from eating so much already he wasn't going as crazy over the cake as I thought he would.  He still thought it was pretty cool to dig into his cake.  He was even willing to share with his sis!

This was his favorite present of the night, Uncle Brandon got him a Baby Einstein DVD and Noah was thrilled!

He's really excited about this birthday card!
More pics of Noah's birthday party to come because his wonderful aunt Missy asked her friends to come take professional pictures of the special day.  So excited to see them!


Anonymous said...

How fun! Noah is sooooo stinkin cute! Loved the pics.

Chelsey Howard said...

He is such a cute little baby boy. I can see why you are so in love with him!! Who wouldn't love those cheeks?!