Greetings & Salutations
Happy October 1st Everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend of creative goodness! This weekend is a good weekend to play, decorate for the Festive Season approaching and chilling with some Green Olives and Vodka. LOL
Here is a quick tutorial on using Elmer's Caulk to get your creative juices flowing this weekend.
First...Make sure you buy the "CLEAR" caulking. Elmer's makes one also that looks like white glue. You don't want that one. Get the CLEAR one.
Okay, get your imagine (copyright free, i.e., public domain). I printed mine out on my ink-jet printer. Squeeze the caulking onto your substrate (i.e.,canvas, wood, papier mache box, canvas board, cloth) and then lay your image face down into the caulk. Be careful not to get any of the caulking on the back of your image. For best results, allow this to dry for 24 hours. I usually do a bunch at night so they are ready for me the next day.
I laid down some gesso on my piece of wood because I wanted a clean transfer.
Here is my transfer dried.
Second, you grab some water and start rubbing off the paper. You might have to do this a couple of times until you get a clean image.
See how the water is removing the paper? Keep doing this process until you get the image you want. It's really easy and simple and a lot cheaper than going through all of your Golden Gel Medium.