Showing posts with label The Walking Dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Walking Dead. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2014

{ Welcome back The Walking Dead }

My sister and I are The Walking Dead junkies. She watches in Florida and I watch in NY. We text each other during the show and both watch every marathon AMC runs. {I think I've seen season one  15 times}
Last year and this year we were able to be together to watch the return of the show after the mid-season finale. It's a bonding experience for us.

I brought a special surprise with me on the plane from NY to FLA.... zombie/walker cookies, complete with some bloody guts and exposed brains. I made ' just brain ' cookies too.
Before the addition of guts.

After the enhancement, displayed lovingly by my sister atop her dining room table. 
 My sister loved them! She {we} ate some and decided to save some to display in her office. I'm not sure how long they'll last before they get moldy but she'll hang on to them as long as she can.
This guy's my favorite. I bit his arm off the first chance I got. It was delish!

Monday, July 9, 2012

{We plan and the producers of 'The Walking Dead' laugh}

I had big plans for this past Saturday and Sunday. Since we would not be going out to Mattituck because Steph was home from Tennessee to attend a friend's wedding and the temps were expected to be in the high 90s {I'm m-e-l-t-i-n-g}, I'd be setting up the sewing machine and spend hours working on the blocks for {Doc}, the May Schnibbles. I know, it's July and I'm behind big time. 

Saturday at 11:30am the entire plan went awry. Seems this weekend, as in Saturday and Sunday, was {The Walking Dead} marathon, all 19 episodes. This was the lead up to a preview of Season 3 at 10pm on Sunday. So, other than cutting the fabric for another {Swoon} block no sewing got done. I spent a good part of the entire weekend on the couch watching all but 3 episodes.  I had to cook and do some laundry so I wouldn't feel completely useless.

I missed out on two days of being productive, at least as far as quilting goes. I never thought that I'd be able to say that I have four {WIP}, that's quilt-speak for 'works in progress'. I have to shift the quilt plans around again since I now have a 75th birthday for someone special coming up in September. It looks like {Swoon} will be going to a different home. I'm making this a priority so I'll have it done and quilted with time to spare. I hope I don't get distracted again.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

{The Walking Dead Withdrawal}

It's been almost two weeks since the best show on television finished up it's second season. I was a little worried during the first half of this season that the show had gotten a little boring. There was definitely too much character drama and not enough zombie action. Who doesn't like a good hatchet to the head or arrow through an eye socket? (Daryl Dixon is the man!) By the last show, right before the mid season break, my faith in the series was restored. The slaughter (can you actually slaughter something that's already dead?) of the barn walkers and the end to little Sophie's plight was the best cliffhanger ending I've ever seen. I hated having to wait two months to find out what happened afterwards.

February 12th was circled on my calendar, in red of course. That was the big day. My favorite show was coming back and I was ready for it. We had a house full to welcome the walkers back into our lives....for another seven weeks anyway. The show that night,  'Nebraska', was worth the wait. What an ending! (Rick Grimes is the man!)

Add a whole lotta zombie killing action and some live person drama (ok, you do need some of that) and you've got perfection. We lost some good characters this season and some that needed to go. As much as I thought Dale could be a PITA, I felt bad when he died. Well, actually he didn't die. He was attacked by a walker that had been caught in the swamp on Herschel's property and little Carl, the pest, who chooses to wander around unsupervised with Daryl's handgun that he lifted from the saddlebag on the motorcycle, where are his parents anyway, who stumbled across the walker in the swamp and throws rocks at the poor walker, who never did a thing to anyone up to that point then turns chicken shit after pointing the gun at the walker and is unable to pull the trigger, all the while the walker is straining to get at little Carl 'cause he needs a snack and manages to pull one leg free of the swamp and sends little Carl running for home to change his undies. That walker becomes the one who evidently pulled his other leg free and made his way to the farm and ran into poor Dale. That was one strong walker! Poor Dale had his abdomen punctured and guts spilled all because little Carl won't stay put. That kid needed a beating, big time.

When everyone ran to Dale's aid after hearing him scream, little Carl recognized the walker who attacked Dale as his buddy from the swamp.  Now, they couldn't leave Dale lying on the ground, in terrible pain, with his in-test-tines exposed so Daryl does the humane thing.......he puts a bullet in his head. He's so thoughtful and compassionate. So, we said 'good-bye' to Dale in the second to last episode of season 2.

Another time I'll discuss the last episode. This post has brought back so many good memories and made me very emotional.