Showing posts with label Salads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salads. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wedge Salad

This salad is beautiful and delicious. You may serve it as the main meal for lunch or dinner. Or, make it smaller as an entree' to your main course. Either way, it will be a win-win! It will definitely impress anyone and everyone...
You will need:
  • 1 head of iceberg lettuce
  • (*Cut, and flush with water, drain on a plate lined with paper towels. Cover with more paper towels and place in the refrigerator to chill while draining. This makes the lettuce crisp and cold. Remove just before assembling your salad.)
  • 1/2 pound of bacon, cooked, & crumpled
  • (*Prepare a broiler pan with cooking spray, place bacon on pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes till done, check bacon often. This is an easy way to prepare bacon without a mess or splatters. When done, remove bacon and let rest on a paper towel. You will crumble it for the salad. I use kitchen shears to cut the bacon for my crumbles.)
  • A few small Red and Yellow tomatoes,          
  •  sliced in half
  • 3 or 4 stalks of green onions, sliced
  • 1 package of grated parmesan cheese, fried, (see recipe below)
  • 1 bottle or jar of Bleu Cheese Salad Dressing
Fried Parmesan Cheese:
Heat a small frying pan after using cooking spray and some olive oil to prepare the pan.
Sprinkle 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese in the pan.
Sprinkle with garlic pepper.

The cheese will cook fast, do not leave unattended.
Spray your spatula with cooking spray. Then lift the fried cheese around the edges. Next, flip over the fried cheese, cooking the other side. The second side will cook faster. Remove the fried cheese and place on a paper towel to cool. Repeat as many times as you need for the number of salads being served.
They can be added whole or crumbled on the salad. These may be made ahead of time, even the day before. Store between paper towels on a small plate in a zip top bag.

Assembly of the Gourmet Style Wedge Salad 

Remove the lettuce from the refrigerator and cut into wedges
(Size will depend on how you choose to serve your salad, entree' or main meal)
On a plate, place the fried cheese
Next, place a wedge of lettuce
Add the tomatoes, green onions and crumbled bacon
Drizzle on the Blue Cheese dressing
Salt & Pepper to taste...
 The Gourmet Style Wedge Salad
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Friday, August 23, 2013

Gourmet Caesar Salad, Chicken or Beef...

 Gourmet Caesar Salad with Steak or Chicken...

Doesn't this look Delish?
 What makes this salad Gourmet? 
"You"....Presentation is everything when you want to impress people. Especially if your meal tastes as good as it looks!
The ingredients you see in the above picture, are all you need to for an outstanding salad.
~One stalk of Romaine lettuce will provide the start for 2-3 salads.
Wash and drain the lettuce. Wrap in a couple of paper towels and chill while you prepare the other ingredients.
~You may choose to warm the meat or serve it cold. For this salad I used a filet migon, sliced thin. I choose to serve it cold.
~I made Fried Parmesan Cheese with chives.
(See the recipe in this section under Signature Salads titled "Gourmet Style Wedge Salad") 
 **Sometimes I mix into the cheese: nuts; chopped fine, chives or garlic pepper.
In most cases, I buy a name brand caesar salad dressing. It's convenient and less time consuming. There are many fine products offered at your local grocery store's. 
Steak Caesar Salad
Below is a picture of the Chicken Caesar Salad.
I used the same ingredient's as the salad above but, choose to use cooked boneless chicken thighs.  I marinated the chicken overnight in a cabernet wine & garlic sauce. The marinade was a gift from some friends, YUMMY! Then, I sprinkled the chicken with garlic pepper and baked at 350 degrees for one hour. Let the chicken cool slightly until warm. Then slice into small bite size pieces. The marinade made this salad extra yummy and full of flavor.
(You may serve it cold and/or choose breast meat instead.) 
**Any marinade of your choice will work nicely as long as it's complementary to the caesar salad dressing.
 The fried parmesan cheese this night, was just cheese. I also added some fresh grated parmesan too!
I use the fried cheese alone or with crouton's.
 Chicken Caesar Salad
I think these salads were a success! Don't you?
Show off your "Culinary Talents" with Style...

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