Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Best Libertarian Election Pics from Facebook, Emails, Reddit, Mom, etc.

What if the 9-11 events had happened elsewhere? And the response had been equally screwy? 

This is my truck bumper.  All the cool kids have one now.

I'll go ahead and say it....The President Of The United States isn't very smart.  Google his college transcripts from Occidental and Columbia. 

A vote for Romney is a vote for Obama.....

fOward !! fOward !! Wear it proudly !!

For the love of God and all things holy, where else does Romney want to put military bases??  The Vatican?  Loch Ness?  Euro Disney?? 

Give a copy of this to everyone you know between the ages of 6 and 18.  Tell them to start working, learning Mandarin Chinese, learning how to clean woks, etc.  They have a huge debt to pay off, and the older generations have a certain lifestyle to support.   

Here's a pic of our Nobel Peace Prize Winner with some of his victims. 

And do you wonder which of our major political parties is considered "the lesser of two evils" by this kid??

Here's the infamous Paul Ryan budget, the one that's supposed to cause economic upheaval.  He spends almost as much as Obama.  Sheesh....  And which one is supposed to be the small government party? 

But in a Libertarian society, who would build the roads???

From the Libertarian Party float in the Alan Ross/Gay Rights Freedom Parade....

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Let's clear out the photo files again !!

It's time once again to clear out the photo files, all from Facebook, Reddit, or your emails. 
Enjoy !!

As a response to the anti-libertarian question "But who will build the roads in a truly libertarian society?", I've long been wanting to take pics of the devastated streets and highways near my hometown of Drew Mississippi. 
Until I can get around to that project, this pic will do nicely:

I saw this on the Barnes And Noble newstand a couple of months ago.  I threw up in my mouth just a little bit. 

The Dems were for real when they produced this....

The painter was for real when he painted this.....

And Newsweek was for real when they published this....

From the Liberty Movement's greatest artist, Dan McCall: