Showing posts with label Saturday Faves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturday Faves. Show all posts

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Faves

I found this over at For a Pessimist, I am Pretty Optimistic--there's always something really funny over there!

You know, nobody ever talked about what would happen when Superman tried to have sex with Lois Lane...

And then there's this...

I don't think it needs any further explanation.

Also, there have been a few changes around my blog for you to be aware of. First of all, I have added a separate page for Awards. I have also moved all my badges to my Blogroll page, so if you don't see your badge, don't worry--it's there! And finally, I have also added a Review page, so if you want to check out the cool sites and products that I have reviewed, click on the "Reviews" tab at the top of the page.

Happy Saturday everyone!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday Fave-- Sarah Palin Groupies Beware

OK, here is my favorite thing, by far, that I found this week:

I laughed hysterically through this entire thing, and I hope it brings the same joy to you as it did to me.

And don't forget to check out the Humor Carnival this week on October 15th over at Etta Rose's Edge of Sanity. It is going to be hilarious and you won't want to miss all the fun!

And as for upcoming posts, you won't want to miss "The One Where I Ovulate." It's coming up next week and it will be my 100th post! Come back and check it out people!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Saturday Faves

Good Saturday to everyone!! I didn't actually find these on blogs, but they really "spoke" to me, if you know what I mean! Here are my faves for the week!

This is why I dress my children so well.

Oh, if only...

Thanks again to everyone who has voted for me for Drama Queen!

Everyone enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My Fave--Pretty Girls, a Dog and a Big Ass

Haha, I hope that title got your attention, because otherwise you are in a coma. Yes, I found an extremely funny picture of two pretty girls, a dog and a big ass that I just couldn't resist posting for my Saturday Fave. And here it is:

Now if that isn't a ruined photo opp, I don't know what is! What a BUMMER! (pun obviously intended). I found this over at where I always find a laugh!

I hope my sick sense of humor gave you a giggle today and have a great weekend! I would also like to send my thoughts and prayers out to all our friends down south that are in the midst of Hurricane Ike. Please STAY SAFE friends!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday Faves

Well, today I have only one fave for the week, and I think it speaks for itself!

I found this at and it really spoke volumes of truth in my opinion.

Everyone enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday Faves

OK, I know you all have been anxiously awaiting my favorite pics of the week, so stop biting your nails and enjoy these little gems!

My goat! (from

HAHAHAHAHA, this kid has cajones! (from sassy mama bear)

I definitely won't be visiting the public restrooms in this country!

And lastly, I would like to know what this kitty cat has been smoking and where can I get some?

So everyone enjoy your long weekend--be good, don't do anything I wouldn't do (or anything I would do, for that matter)--and remember to SMILE!


Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's Saturday--Here's the Faves!

Here are my faves for the week. There's a whole bunch for you to enjoy!

Awwwww, I want one!

One of these things is not like the other...

ROFL...that's all I have to say!

And now for something completely different...

May this picture warm your heart like it has mine.
(Mother Theresa rocks!)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

It's a Three-Way Tie

Well, for my favorites this week, it's a three-way tie. Here you go:
This picture of Michael Phelps caught my eye. I especially appreciated how the lighting emphasizes his SPECTACULAR abdominal region. This dude is some kind of part-fish, part-man who is blowing everybody away in the Olympics. Well, this picture blew my mind!

A dolphin kissing a dog? How could you NOT love that?
And lastly, there is this hilarious picture and it really represents how I feel sometimes while trying to get my work done. It gives a whole new meaning to "cat and mouse."


Saturday, August 9, 2008

My Favorite of the Week

Every Saturday I am going to post my favorite thing that I came across in my adventures in the blogosphere that week. This week, my favorite thing was this picture that someone had found and posted on their blog. I should have made note of the blog I found it on, and I will promise to give credit where credit is due in the future.

Check it out:
Enjoy and have a great weekend!