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Showing posts with label BMW expensive car rant repairs brakes service headlight drive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BMW expensive car rant repairs brakes service headlight drive. Show all posts

I love my car like a pet, but...

Thursday, January 10, 2008
the weirdest stuff happens to it. Last month, we noticed that the BMW logo had worn off of the front of the car. "Not a big deal," I thought. "It's just a sticker." It's a $35 sticker attached to a piece of metal. Why can't I just replace the sticker?

The car keeps telling me that I need to check my coolant level. There's no coolant leak and it hasn't been that long since it was serviced. After a brief googling of "e39 'check coolant level'," I learned that it's probably a sensor gone bad and not a real coolant issue.
I'll pile this one on top of:Max conquers Germany while playing with the new toy (by avpjack)

  • new brakes
  • new tires
  • new battery
  • broken cup holder
  • the Inspection 2 service
  • a new headlight
  • "check fog lamps"
  • and my favorite, "washer fluid low."

If I didn't like to drive it as much as I do, I'd hate it. This is why warranties are nice.