Showing posts with label B. Hussein Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label B. Hussein Obama. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is Barack Obama still doing blow?

Hey, I didn't ask that question...

Ace did.

But I figure the headline might get me a few Google hits.

While we're on the subject of liars and crybabies, Nancy Pelosi must be absolutely radioactive after getting nuked by my favorite wheelchair pundit, Charles Krauthammer (via Hot Air):

"I had a sense that if you'd attached a lie detector to her in that newser, it would have short-circuited"


No, I'm not "back". But that was fun...

Update: Speaking of Google hits, who knew that when I called Nancy Pelosi a stupid bitch, that it would keep paying off? I'm number 1, baby!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

President Obama Springs Into Action

Here's what pissed me off this morning...less than a week into the messiah's reign:

President Obama on Friday lifted a ban on federal funding for international groups that promote or perform abortions, reversing a policy of his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Obama signed the executive order one day after the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states.

Hmm. So let me get this straight. The US economy is teetering, and Barry wants to take MY TAX DOLLARS and send them to foreign countries to finance the killing of babies abortions?

I don't agree with using my tax dollars to fund abortion in my own country. But let's leave the ethical arguments against abortion out of the argument for right now. How can Barry possibly justify sending millions of dollars OUT of our country to fund a procedure that does not enhance the global economy...and in fact is a long-term detriment to it?

From a purely fiscal perspective, that is just stupidity.

And so is this:

QUESTION: Mr. Boehner, you had three strong words in reaction to the Democratic House proposal. What was your message to President Obama?

HOUSE REPUBLICAN LEADER JOHN BOEHNER (R-OH): You know, I’m concerned about the size of the package and I’m concerned about some of the spending that’s in there. How you can spend hundreds of millions of dollars on contraceptives – how does that stimulate the economy?

The Barry O. "Stimulus Package"

You know what Boehner should have done? He should have walked out to the presser with a case of condoms and abortion leaflets and started handing them out without saying a word. And then he could have turned to the cameras and said, "I just want America to know what our President will be blowing millions of your hard-earned tax dollars on."

And just an aside...I wonder if Baby-Killer Barry has been to church yet?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Live-Blogging President-Elect Obama's Press Conference

8:08am...on the Illinois Senate Seat scandal and Gov. Blagojevich:

"I have never spoken to the Governor on this subject..."


Barry, you haven't even been sworn in, and already we can say this. You are a:

Monday, November 17, 2008

How Obama got elected

John Ziegler was on Hannity and Colmes tonight to pitch his upcoming documentary "How Obama Got Elected".

No suprise here:

Go here for more interesting data on Obama voters...

Flashback: More brilliance from Obama supporters.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Boy...won't she be disappointed

You know...I remember grade school elections where the student body candidates would make outrageous promises. Things like "chocolate milk out of the water fountains" and hour-long recess.

And yes, those candidates would get elected. So it's no wonder that Barack Obama will be elected by those who still dream of free ice cream at lunch:

A side thought. When the promise of having her mortgage paid and her car filled with gas does not come to fruition, will she come to her senses and vote Republican next election?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Obama "Saved by the Bell"

My last thoughts before my flight leaves LAX: Sheesh, Barack Obama is a big pussy.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Reminder: Not voting for Obama means you're racist

Kudos to Potfry at The Nose on Your Face for this gem:

And why would you vote for that cracker McCain? He doesn't even want your vote:

You want to know who is REALLY a racist for not voting for Obama? This guy:

Jonah Goldberg:

We need to rewrite those old Schoolhouse Rock cartoons, because now virtually any adjective, noun, verb, or adverb aimed at Barack Obama that is not obsequiously sycophantic or wantonly worshipful runs the risk of being decried as racist. Community organizer? Racist! Mentioning his middle name? Racist! Arrogant? Racist! Palling around with a (white) terrorist? Racist! Celebrity? Racist! Cosmopolitan? Racist! This? Racist! That? Racist! The other thing? Oh man, that’s really racist.

The new Schoolhouse Rock cartoon: “Conjunction: a word that connects a racist attack and Barack Obama.”

Thursday, October 16, 2008

How big a freakin' snob is Barack Obama?

This big:

All you plumbers who work you asses off (hey, and thanks for showing them to us)...remember that Barack Obama just dissed you. If you decide to open up a plumbing business and successful, stop when your company makes $249,999...or Barack is coming for that next dollar.

And every one after that.

How can anyone vote for this dick?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Obama warms up for big speech on Thursday

And the crack news team at TNOYF is there:

1 Chronicles of the Obamessiah is here...

The Ad Barack Obama does not want you to see

Michelle Malkin's suggestion:

Spread the ad far and wide. Will they come after bloggers next?

Shut us up?

No, they can’t.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ironic moment of the day

Driving to work this morning, I passed a hybrid parked on the side of the road.

The car had four "Barack Obama '08" bumper stickers on it.

The driver had run out of gas.

Get used to it, Buddy...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Andrea Mitchell wants to have Barack Obama's Love Child (Update: Newsbusters has more)

Well...either that or she is one horseshit biased "journalist":

H/T: Hot Air

Update... Mark Finkelstein at Newsbusters:

Thank you, Andrea Mitchell. No, really, I mean it. Thank you for providing some of the clearest evidence yet of just how much the press corps following Barack Obama has blinders on for its man. Mitchell has let it be known that "the people covering the campaign" don't think Obama played the race card with his currency crack.

Newsbusters has more video...

What promises from Barack Obama are worth (Update: John Edwards feeling not so charitable all of a sudden)

As it turns out...NOTHING:

Conservative bloggers aren’t waiting for The One Who Is The Change He Seeks. No, they’re doing it for themselves.

Doing what, you ask?

Doing the job Barack Obama wasn’t willing to do: Helping out a little school in Kenya that bears Obama’s name and which he promised to assist.


With the all of the blessings of wealth Obama has, he couldn't throw these children a few pencils or books?

"Sorry...I'm too busy to care..."

Maybe it's because Michelle Obama has been struggling to make those student loan payments...

Of course it's probably because Obama is waiting to become president so he doesn't have to personally do it...he'll do it with tax money. Because personal charity isn't in his blood unless it's politically expedient.

Want to help, since Barack and Michelle Obama won't? Go here to make a donation...I'm sure even $5 would be appreciated and go a long way.

Update...from Are We Lumberjacks:

Which points up the problem with "hope". Even when specific promises are made, "hope" is just a word. You can't deposit hope. It doesn't earn compound interest, it won't buy a water pump, a desk, or a chalk board. Hell, it won't buy chalk. Obama was happy to give the school hope. Why wouldn't he be? It cost him nothing.

Update: From Moonbattery, now that John Edwards has wrecked his political career, he's decided one of his "Americas" isn't so important now.

DPUD has the money quip:

Note to prominent Democrats, if you're going to promise children and their families all this great charitable aid, you may want to, oh, I dunno, follow through? Kinda makes you look like a total dick when you don't keep your promise.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Is Barack Obama gutless?

Well...I guess we will find out.

Barack Obama had the "audacity" to call out Sean Hannity. From Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters:

On Wednesday, presumptive Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama blamed his wife's high negative ratings on "the conservative press—Fox News and the National Review" as well as "rants by Sean Hannity."

He also said, "And you know, the problem is that rarely do these folks have the guts to say it to your face."

Hannity's response:

Now of course Obama can duck any reporter, pundit or political commentator he wants...and use the excuse that he simply doesn't have the time to appear on every show.

But since Obama made it a point to call Hannity out for his criticism, don't you think if he has the chops to be President that he could handle an unabashed conservative like Sean Hannity?

Imagine the points the Obama campaign could score if Barack went on Hannity's show and put him in his place. Libtards think Obama is brilliant and Hannity a this would seem like the perfect opportunity to prove that.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The B.Hussein Obama electorate

How intelligent do you have to be to support Obama for President?

This intelligent:

H/T: The Jawas

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I guess I have to vote for Barack Obama

Wouldn't want to be called a racist, you know...

How dumb is this election going to get? I can't believe this country couldn't find two more qualified candidates. Me? I'm torn between Iowahawk and Grizzly Bear.

Off to Yuma, Arizona on business. It's an exciting and vibrant place:

Monday, June 2, 2008

This is the douchebag B. Hussein Obama want to have dialogue with

You know..."without pre-conditions". At least they have something in common...they both hate America:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted on Monday that Muslims would uproot "satanic powers" and repeated his controversial belief that Israel will soon disappear, the Mehr news agency reported.

"I must announce that the Zionist regime (Israel), with a 60-year record of genocide, plunder, invasion and betrayal is about to die and will soon be erased from the geographical scene," he said.

"Today, the time for the fall of the satanic power of the United States has come and the countdown to the annihilation of the emperor of power and wealth has started."

You know, if I were President, I'd want a meeting with this rat too. It would go something like this:

Greetings, you low-life turd. Here's the deal. We're getting pretty sick of listening to your big talk. So I'm going to beat the living shit out of you. Right now.

And when I'm finished with you, you little bastard, I want you to go back to Iran and keep your freakin' mouth shut. And if you don't, I'll call for cruise missles to be strategically shot up your ass and the asses of every Ayatollah and Mullah in Iran.

Now that's what I call diplomacy.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Best Barack Hussein Obama column...evah!

Rick Moran drops a nuclear bomb on Barry O:

Just what office is Barack Obama running for? Commander in Chief? Or perhaps Keeper of the Constant Whine? Or maybe Lord High Commissioner of the Bitch?

To Obama, it’s always something. Bush challenges his foreign policy positions and he whines about a “political attack” rather than responding.” McCain rightly points out that Obama has absolutely zero foreign policy experience (except that advanced course in foreign relations he took when he was 8 years old and living in Indonesia – or whatever Obama’s claim to superior experience is this week) and the candidate weeps like an 11 year old girl, complaining about McCain using the “old politics” to diss him...

...The more I see and hear Barack Obama, the less I think of him as a man and as a candidate. He hides behind his race as if it was his momma’s skirts. Nothing is ever his fault or the fault of the positions he has taken on issues vital to the safety and security of the United States. It’s either people who don’t vote for him are racists or war mongering fascist neocons who refuse to get with his new program of not being so beastly to our enemies. He is thin skinned, quick to anger, overly sensitive, and a whining, sniveling child who can’t take criticism like a man and respond as an adult.

Uh...Rick? You forgot this:

Go here to read the rest...