Never Give Up!

Running or...Image by lgh75 via Flickr

Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of God's throne.Hebrews 12:1-2

This is one of my favourite scriptures, perhaps because I need to be continually reminded that the Christian life requires effort. It doesn’t say stroll or jog, it says RUN! Yesterday I listened to a great talk from Holy Trinity Brompton by Tim Hughes (writer of Light of the World). Like all good preachers he shared 3 points which I thought were helpful. Run with passion, purity and perseverance. He ends by reminding us of Churchill’s famous speech when he visited his old school in Harrow; “Never give up! Never give up!”

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Anonymous said…
interesting shot ... used to see some people actually do that.
thanks for dropping by.

have a nice day!
Gudl said…
Yes, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus in every circumstance.
Godbless you Mike for this post your blog is always a place to visit sometimes I wonder how you would be counseling those you see face to face?

BTW when you are free stop by and pick up an Award from my blog.

deena said…
Yes Mike we have to keep our eyes focused on Jesus.Cloud of witnesses are our inspiring heritage-they persevered and won the race.We have to give up alot to be in a relationship with God-always keeping Him sight.
Angie said…
I've been a bit sluggish and worn down in the race here lately. I can't be reminded of this too often. Thanks, Mike. As always, I appreciate you.
Wanda said…
I love that story of Churchill !! So true ~~ never, never never give up!!
Paulie said…
and it is not only run but FOR ENDURANCE! Thus, the message is not to run a good race and then look at our "trophy" but to keep running. . .

Great message. I did not like the accompanying photo tho. . . very dangerous.
One of my favorite quotes of all times. oh,if Christians only realized that we, of all people, have the right and the reason to never give up!!
Anonymous said…
You find the most amazing photos to illustrate yout writing :-)

Blessings to you.
zakscloset said…
that's so perfect since i started running! i'll keep your post in mind :^)