It's Time

It's time. Time to say 'Yes' to Me and lay aside all your uncertainties. Have you not yet understood what is important for you? I cannot answer all the questions you worry about. Some answers are too big for you. Look back at your life and see what I have asked of you and how I have led you. What is it that has filled you with joy? Where have you found peace? Your life is short. Now is the time for you to leave closed the doors that I have shut and to run through the open door that I have placed before you.

You will break up the fallow ground and produce a harvest, only when you walk closely with Me. I will be your reward and the harvest will be for you and even the generations that come after you. They will also reap what you have sown. 

Surrender, and there will be a peace that you have longed for so much. Only you can do this. I have no-one else who serves me like you do. You are unique and your story is unique. Yield to Me child and let Me be the author of your life.


This is a word God gave me today. I pray it might help someone else. Our personal calls are unique and everything in this world tries to crush that. In the end, it's all bout Jesus and staying close to His heart for us. What an honour and privilege to be called His children! I pray I might live worthy of His high calling.
kc bob said…
Especially love that last paragraph Mike.