
Showing posts with label work/office. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work/office. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pics from work

Look, there's an ambulance parked below. 
Mommy's office is actually above a maternity hospital so I don't just get to see lots of trees 
but plenty of other views too..hahahaha

You can catch this view of the park.
I used to run on those green pavement thing 
until the local council put a sign up recently saying "No Dogs". 
Totally unfair! Mommy and I always help keep the park clean and yet our contribution is not appreciated......."sigh"

Me sunbathing in the office.

Here some of my friends that flew over
This Yellow bird will always drop by and with a loud voice greeting 
everyone in the office ;)

p/s: Butters my friend, 
that little white toy you asked about is actually a toy which 
my mommy made using old T'shirt. 
I have another one in my home which is made from old children cotton T'shirt 
so that toy ball is smaller than the one i have in office.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Day @ work

1. TOYS IS A MUST - my tools for work ;P



 Me drinking water from my bowl.

This is the first place I visit when I arrive to office ;)

I love looking at greens! 
In fact, my friendly friends - birdies would fly over and  say "hello' 
to me in the mornings
Mommy says I should look at more green stuff as its good for my eyes.

More pics of my day at work coming soon...

p/s: Sorry for the late update, mommy had schedule the post to be posted earlier on 
but she didn't see the dates rite. 
Yishhh....this is what happens when she tries to do things on the pc 
without her specs ==

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I followed mommy to office last week. I was in the mood to try out things so I took the opportunity to try my paw at being an educator. 
Ok..I admit I was not offered the job, I just sneaked up and took over! LOL

 Supervisor Jon Terry supervising his students in his care. 

 Supervisor Jon Terry conducting the class

 Supervisor Jon Terry explaining to his student a math question. 
It's not easy trying to get the student to see how a dog does his simple equations.

Supervisor Jon Terry sharing a joke with his students.

 Times is up for Supervisor Jon Terry

 Class is  dismiss! 

Phew! it's certainly not easy being an educator. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Jon Terry - A Day @ work

Arrival in office

Me @ my desk.  Shhhhh..don't tell mommy I told you that *wink*

Monitoring the work progress of others...hahahahaha

Brandon the student spending his lunch break playing with  me

Me commending Aunty Nancy for her effort and hardwork in supervising the homeschool students.              I gave her my wooflicious LICK on her cheek...see how happy and motivated she is to work =D

Supervising the student together with Aunty Nancy

Mommy, don't you have any work to do?

Me catching a short wink @ the desk with the piles of files and papers around.

Me taking a longer nap in my comfy bed

AHHHHHHH...nothing beats than to have a good sleep after a day of hard work =D


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