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Showing posts with the label ANALYSIS

The Beast Advances or The Attack on Reason

This is part one of what will be posted in two parts on The St. Austin Review Ink Desk . The Beast Advances or The Attack on Reason by Kevin O'Brien Hilaire Belloc, in “The Great Heresies”, pointed to a disturbing feature of the Modern Attack on the Catholic Church: the attack upon Reason. Nowhere is this more clearly displayed than on the internet - yes, on Facebook in particular, but also everywhere on the internet. And though I have written about Facebook before and my on-again off-again love-hate relationship with her, I’m beginning to see that the enemy is not Facebook. The enemy is us! Let me try to categorize the problems I’ve noticed: 1. BEING FORCED TO EXPLAIN THE PUNCHLINE A friend of mine on Facebook can not post even innocuous quotations such as Robert Louis Stevenson’s, “The Saints are the Sinners who keep on trying,” without a barrage of comment box (combox) attacks nitpicking at all sorts of things the quote never intended to convey. In this case, comment...

Can't Care, Don't Care, Won't Care

" Don't take this so personally ," my wife Karen always tells me. And of course she's right. In the past, when employees would become Vampires or Aliens it used to really bug me. How could they do this to me when I trusted them and gave them opportunities to help us and do good work? I would say to myself. Then I realized it had absolutely nothing to do with me. But when clients do me wrong, it's a bit harder to shake off. Especially when said clients are supposed to be cooperating with the mission of Theater of the Word, working in some way to spread God's message. But we get shafted by our Church-affiliated clients even more frequently than we get shafted by secular clients. And I've noticed a pattern. I think it applies to all of the business world, secular or Christian. 1. CAN'T CARE First, there are the clients who are simply incompetent . They drop the ball on projects because they simply can't run their businesses in any systematic or effe...