Showing posts with label Logan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Logan. Show all posts

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 2023!

This might have been our Christmas card for 2023... and STILL might be if we ever get it together... had the last quarter or so of 2023 played out a bit easier, and less problematic.  No sooner did "Our Crime Story" come to a long-awaited end, than... not one but TWO more whammies hit us in short order (don't ask), effectively ending our 2023 on the downside. 

We are still well, by and large, and moving in the right direction - but far more war-weary than we ought to be, given the good, and overall conventional way we conduct our lives.  But, it's best we start counting down to 2024 right away - 'cause it can't come too soon for us! 

For now, please join Averi, Cici, Logan, Esther, and Joe in the spirit of "the mo-osst won-der-ful tiiime of the yeeear"!  We send all of you our best wishes for a joyous holiday season!  

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!  Your good wishes, and those three li'l angels up top, will make it happy and merry for us!  


Guess what?  On Christmas Day, those "three li'l angles" DID indeed make everything happy, merry, and bright!  

...Knew they would!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving 2023 - and Happy 6th Birthday to Averi!

For Thanksgiving 2017, Esther and I gave far more than our standard amount of thanks - for, on that day, in that year, our darling granddaughter AVERI was born!  

And as the calendar works, six years later, her birthday falls on Thanksgiving once again - and so we happily summon up a metric ton of of additional thanks for the wonderful presence in our lives that she has become!  

And still more thanks for Cici and Logan who followed! 

As for Thanksgiving, I'm remined of the time last year, where I showed Averi the great Warner Bros. cartoon "Tom Turk and Daffy" - in which Porky Pig as a pilgrim hunted a frantic turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.  

In her kindergarten class, she had to "disguise" a drawing of a turkey with crayons, paper scraps, etc. lest he be found on Thanksgiving.  Since this was akin to Daffy Duck hiding the turkey from hunter Porky, I showed her the cartoon. 

And, while she laughed at all the antics, she questioned why Porky didn't just buy a turkey at the store like we did!  

You just GOTTA LOVE HER!  

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Family Matters - 2023!

Playing catch-up with the Blog, it's time to... um, "catch up" on a few Family Matters! 

August 19, 2023 saw the birth of Grandchild Number Three - Logan, a boy who will bear both the burdens and delights of having two older sisters!

Averi and Cici "bear the delight" of their new baby brother! 

Averi was quick to say... "Now we are THREE KIDS... and that's ENOUGH!" ...But, do they ever love their li'l bro! 

...And each other! 

Soon it was "back to business" as Averi began FIRST GRADE on September 05, 2023!  

Averi is prepping for the big day!  Cici's just mimicking Big Sis. 

And today, September 23, 2023, is Cici's THIRD BIRTHDAY !  How, time flies! 

Averi will turn SIX on this coming Thanksgiving, making them all evenly spaced at THREE YEARS APART!  ...Now, THAT'S planning!