Showing posts with label mardi gras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mardi gras. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Live-Blogging the Depression: Les Bons Temps

Is this where the party is?As I wait to find out whether I've still got a job -- the current rumor is this Thursday is D-Day -- preparations for the annual Mardi Gras party continue apace. Job or not, I see no reason not to laissez les bons temps rouler as usual.

Yes, the auto industry is moribund, resulting in a rising tide of unemployment around these parts; the stupid and evil federal government is taking over what's left of the car biz; and Detroit tops the list of "most abandoned cities."

You know what I say?

Toga! Toga!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Mardi Gras in Ann Arbor

Another Mardi Gras party is in the books -- thanks to everyone who came and made it a successful night of stupid fun. And for those who didn't come: You suck and you know you suck.

Pictures to come when I figure out why I can't get them on to Flickr from my laptop after I've had seven beers from the still very full party keg.

Update: A few pictures -- totally lame -- are up on Flickr.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mardi Gras 2007: The Breakdown

It's go time!Because this year's party may have been the best yet, I thought I'd try to do something a little different by breaking down some debauchery stats. Of course, since I was probably only semi-coherent for most of the party's duration, all values are (very) approximate. No warranty, express or implied, blah blah blah... It went down like this:

Food Consumed

1 pot jambalaya
1 1/2 crocks of gumboMangez!
1 pot of steamed mussels in wine and garlic sauce
1 muffuletta
1 crock of red beans and rice
1 veggie tray
1 tray of crab/salmon dip and crackers
1 lb. shrimp cocktail
1/2 pan bread pudding (w/ bourbon frosting drizzle)
1 king cake
1 plate peanut butter cookies
1 bag tortilla chips w/ con queso salsa

Chugalug!Beer and Liquor Demolished

1 keg of homebrewed dunkel
1/2 keg of Bell's Two Hearted
1/2 keg of Old 22 Alt
~30 bottles of Abita (Restoration, Purple Haze, Turbo Dog)
~10 bottles misc. beer (Boddington's, Bell's lager, dopplebock, etc.)
1 1/4 fifths Bacardi Light
1/2 fifth Bombay Sapphire
3/4 fifth of Smirnoff
1/2 fifth Captain Morgan
1, uh, wagon of super special imported tequila
~6 blenders full of tropical depressions (fake hurricanes w/o 151)

MiscellaneousMan down!

2 broken chairs
2 spilled beers
1 passed out dude
1 episode of vomiting
1 thrown drink
1 mooning incident
2 viewings of Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling DVD
3 rooms of nastified linoleum and carpeting

Enjoy the photoset that will probably disqualify any and all of us from running for president. Warning: contains ass.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Another Mardi Gras Party in the Books

My kitchen floor resembles Bourbon St., minus the puke and pee (I think), and there's a giant cardboard fireplace taking up half of my bedroom, but I don't regret this year's Mardi Gras extravaganza. Thanks to everyone who came and made it such a lot of stupid fun.

Embarrassing/incriminating photos coming soon.

Have you motherfucking seen me?
Kyle: still missing.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

With Love and Squalor

FEMA Calls Rebuilding Complete As New Orleans Restored To Former Squalor

The Onion

FEMA Calls Rebuilding Complete As New Orleans Restored To Former Squalor

NEW ORLEANS, LA—"Our job here is done," said FEMA Undersecretary R. David Paulison, cutting the ribbon on a newly restored pile of garbage.

Speaking of New Orleans, Mardi Gras is February 20 this year, and we're celebrating S&S style on the Saturday before, February 17. Any non-psychos are welcome (especially cute female ones). Who's making the king cake and (dare I ask) muffuletta?

Laissez les bon temps rouler, bitches!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Mardi Gras Pics

A bunch of drunksGrr had something like 200 pictures of February's Mardi Gras extravaganza on his camera, and he's posted a few of them here. Damn, I am so fat. And phat.

Now if I could just get Matt to send me the ones from the absinthe tasting...

Friday, February 17, 2006

You've Got Your Paczki in My Mardi Gras!

I know posting's been sparse around here lately, but that's because I've been keeping busy with reading, writing, bowling, and getting ready for the big-ass Mardi Gras party this weekend. It doesn't feel quite right having it this early, but what the hey. We're in the Detroit area, where Fat Tuesday's known as Paczki Day anyway.

Now for the New Orleans update: The New York Times takes a look at the City That Care Forgot But Mother Nature Didn't as it prepares for its first post-Katrina Mardi Gras.

I just have to add: Where else but in New Orleans would you find a liquor store named "Hit 'n' Run Liquors"? It sounds like a Simpsons joke.