Monday, May 18, 2009

Tessa Elizabeth 05-09-09

6 lbs. 12 oz. 19 in. 8:11 a.m.
We are so grateful for our healthy baby girl. I think my doctor was so nervous about her weight because Carson was so much bigger than she was. Turns out that she is just fine, just a little on the small side.

Carson wasn't quite sure what to think about it all. He had to come sit right next to me in bed and he liked to play with the blood pressure cord while he was there. I must say that this C-section was much easier than the first. I was up and walking the next day where with Carson it took me a few days. I also wasn't quite as worn out as I was with Carson, granted I wasn't in labor for 24 hours beforehand. I'm sure that has something to do with it. :)

Carson holding Tessa for the first time. Too precious.

Back at home just hanging out in her PJs.

One week old. Most of Tessa's clothes are huge on her. I never did buy any premie sizes so she's doing the 0-3 month sizes right now. This is one outfit that actually fits her well.


Amber said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! (Not that I didn't think she would be!) And, so alert! Congratulations, I hope all is going well, and her name is darling!

aabrownfamily said...

Congratulations! What a little doll. I'm so happy for you and glad you're both doing good. She is so cute! Can't wait to see more pictures.

Carly said...

Oh she is beyond beautiful! No surprise there! Glad she is perfectly healthy!

Melissa S. said...

She SERIOUSLY is a cute baby! (and I don't throw that comment out lightly!) Holy cow, she's beautiful! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emily K. said...

What a gorgeous little girl. Congratulations. Hope everything is going well. I love the name, Tessa.

Nick & Kerrie Andrews & Family said...

Oh my word girl! She is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen! What a wonderful addition to your cute little family! I'm so glad everything went good and she's finally here!

Tiff and Dan said...

congrats! she is gorgeous! can't wait to see more pictures of your little family!

Sarah L. said...

Wow, she really is beautiful. Congrats on the new addition and tell Tim congrats on his MBA;)) You guys look great.

Souli & Ashley said...

She is darling. Congratulations. I hope all went well with the delivery.

Ness said...

She is so cute. I love her perfect little face. What an angel.

Harmony said...

Chey I love the new pics of Tessa!! She is still soo dang cute! Now if only Cannon would come!

grammy said...

She is a wonderful gift!!Congratulations

The Turner Family said...

Congrats! I am happy for your cute little family. I must say Tessa is the name I voted for when you posted it on your blog. It fits her well have fun :)

LeBaron Family said...

chey she is just so precious!! Not that i didn't think she would be gorgeous...!! girls are sooo fun! love the pink!

Bloxham family said...

Way cute! Sorry we haven't been over to see her yet, we have been so busy lately. How are you feeling? Well we will try to come over soon.

The Turner Family said...

I just pulled up your blog for my mom and she says congratulations on your new beautiful baby girl!