Thursday, September 10, 2009

Preschool Time!

Countdown to preschool.First day of Preschool. He was so excited to go! My baby is all grown up.Carson with his good friend, Porter. So when I went go pick Carson up from his first day, he barely even looked at me and then he proceded to walk right by me and get in the car with Porter. I had even made the extra effort to walk there to pick him up. I had Tes in the bjorn and then pushed an empty stroller to and from his preschool. I guess it's not cool to talk to Mom anymore. His friends are more important I guess. :)


Melissa + Brett said...

Hilarious! He's so dang cute. How did he like preschool?

aabrownfamily said...

Your kids are so adorable. I love their pictures together. Isn't it crazy how fast these babies grow?

Carly said...

Oh man, I do not want that day to come! He looks so cute and grown up!

Nika, Travis, Ayda and Zander said...

I said it on facebook and I will say it again, Carson is so big and VERY handsome.

Corey and Susie said...

That's funny! He looks so big!

I LOVE their pictures! Tessa looks so big already! CUTE kids Chey!

Melissa S. said...

Thanks for the cuter then cute birth announcement!!!!! Your little Carson is just so handsome in these pictures!

Nick & Kerrie Andrews & Family said...

I can't belive how grown up your little guy is! Your kids are so beautiful! Hope you are doing good! We miss seeing you!