Showing posts with label bacon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bacon. Show all posts

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Seduced by a bacon roll

It's been a beautiful day here. I was in North London this morning, Hornsey to be exact - on a little business. The company I went to see was in a small trading estate which was shared with half a dozen other companies, which in turn leased off spare space to smaller companies (London is very crowded).

I spotted "Chicken Time" (which seems to serve everythng but chickens), wedged into a delivery yard of a builders merchant. In my 8 year abscence from the UK, burger vans and fast food seem to have grown more than any other small business! The promise I made to myself last week of one fried breakfast a week was temporarily forgotten and I was seduced by a bacon and egg roll. I couldn't fault the roll and I award Chicken Time 5/5 for the food. Sadly they lost points over the tea which suffered from anaemia and only received 2 points, one for being hot and one for being wet.

The diet starts again tomorrow. Not easy for someone who enjoys their food to the degree that I do!


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