before the sun set i went outside for a walk and saw our nearby cosmetics shop. i went inside and checked what they were selling.
apart from inexpensive makeups, they also have avon, but the brands that i would not choose if i am staring at their catalog, bath salts, at-home hair treatments and makeup brushes. ooh, makeup brushes!
i have been searching for an inexpensive blush brush since my body shop blush brush is now disfigured. its just 3 years old and barely used. oh well...
when buying makeup brushes i always choose the ones at the back, coz the front ones were probably touched and rubbed a lot of times by a lot of people to check if its soft or the bristles are rough. especially in packages that can be opened. even if i do wash it before use, i still don't want to think that my brush has been contaminated.
this one's soft and cheap. what a deal!
good luck to me!
next is an eyelid protector when applying your mascara without smudging it on your eyelids. i was so happy! i was searching in ebay for something like this and turns out i have it in my neighborhood!?!
the hole in the middle is for your upper lashes, to allow you to put mascara on every single lash without smudging on your eyelids. the top part is for your lower lashes. and the bottom is for combing out your lashes afterwards.
kudos to the one who invented this!
kudos to the one who invented this!
and when i passed by a cold store guess what i found!?!?!?!
wheeee!!! curly tops! you found me at last!
i wasn't able to buy much coz i ran out of money but tomorrow for sure i'll buy more!
anyways, i did not do anything today, apart from cleaning the room. it has been decided that laundry and grocery will be done tomorrow coz its bambi's off, so today i just lazed off in the afternoon sun.
in the morning i talked to bambi's mom and she was ok, i saw jared and he was concentrating on staring at another monitor. he is kind of darker than when i last saw him. and he was oblibivious to our faces on the screen.
in the afternoon after talking to my brothers and mother in ym i have found out that my mother in law talked to two of my aunties, who lives near their house and she was still saying that i can't go to their house when i go home. i can't believe that she still hasn't moved on! my mother and i agreed to let her do what she wants, we'll just let her be. as far as i know, she has forgiven me already. if she is still telling people about what happened then that's her deal. i am shutting my mouth on the subject.
on another subject, my half-sister, rj, is going to celebrate her birthday on the 11th and today my mother and her father had a fight. he left them, which he usually does for a while to cool off so im sure he'll be back. that's why i promised rj i'll send something to let them celebrate her birthday.
my two brothers are still undecided on what to do with their lives. i told them to stop their illusion that im gonna bring them here because i wont, not without a college degree or a decent job experience.
kristelle, on the other hand, is suffering from migraine for 4 days now. i am also going to ask the office about her uniform's encashment coz she said she would like to have a CT scan to check if there is something wrong. i sure hope not, but im really hoping she will realize that excessive fatigue and excessive eating, along with turning on the ac after a long walk, is bad for her health. she keeps ignoring her body's warning that she is not living healthily. wake up sis!