Showing posts with label In Harmony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label In Harmony. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 November 2009

In Harmony is ........

finished. Spent the last day doing the back stitch, french knots and couching, was very glad that there wasn't much. Just needs a wash, iron and going to try find a nice frame for it.
Was trying to get a photo of it showing the best colour representation think this is the best. Put my day light lamp over it as i took the photo.

Saturday 14 November 2009

A bit of an update on In harmony. Lost motivation on it this week. I've been thinking about my next projects and getting everything ready for them. Want to start them now but also want to get In harmony finished so I'm pushing on with it. So here's my update:

Also wanted to show a little Christmas design I stitched in mid October. Its a Margaret Sherry design that was in Cross Stitcher magazine. The chart called for baubles to be stitched but I added the little Christmas bulbs for a bit of difference and I thought they would be cute:

Saturday 7 November 2009

First an update on In Harmony, not spent as much time on it this week as I would have liked. Just over halfway through now. Photo does makes the sky look lighter brown then it actually is. I do like the effect of the trees in the background. My Pako thread organiser finally turned up, I organised my In Harmony threads in to it and am finding it make easier to work with then them cardboard ones that come with the kits and you end up pulling all the wrong threads out while trying to get the colour you want, well I do :-)

Put my stitching down on Wednesday for a few hours to make this little kit from which I got at the Ally Pally. An owl family. It was very kiddy but fun to make.

These are my finished owls. the kit was really good, I was surprised at the good quality of the fabric. I added tabs at the back of the owls so they could be hang up. I'm already thinking about the next few projects I want to start but I am determined to finish In Harmony first before starting a new cross stitch. I'll keep ya updated :-)

Saturday 31 October 2009

Got a bit more done of In Harmony, a lot of what I've done today has been in half stitch. With plenty of blending colours.

Went my local hobby craft today and picked up two popcorn knitting kits (they was going cheap.) I have already done Souffle the duck pictured in the middle. Souffle was my first knitted teddy, before him I could only do scarfs. Took me a week to make and I was very pleased with him. So I have Biscuit and Cocoa to make now :-)

Thursday 29 October 2009

In Harmony WIP

End of day 2 on In Harmony. Managed to get one of the wolves head done and a little bit of the other. Already worried I'm going to run out of thread, it keeps going all bitty and I end up wasting it, I'll see how it goes. Navy Aida been a bit hard to work with as the holes are not very clear, have had to unpick a few stitches :-(

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Day Dreamer Finished

I finished Suzy's Zoo Day Dreamer today. Run out of a couple of colours from the kit but Lucky had them in my collection. It didn't have a lot of back stitching which was nice. So here it is, needs a bit of ironing :-)
On the 8th and 9th this month I went the knitting and stitching show at Alexandra Palace in London. Spent a lot of money and added a bit to my stash. These are the goodies I got:
Decided I'm going to start In Harmony by dimensions tomorrow. I had been wanting this kit for a while so when I saw it at the knitting and stitching show there was no hesitation.