Thursday, November 4, 2010


My 3 little cuties... Baby Bumblebee (not the Transformer), Motocross Rider, and GI Joe Ninja? The boys were weird this year and didn't want me to make any of the costumes, and Luke refused to pick one of Beau's old costumes. So we headed out to Walmart to pick the boys' costumes this year. Luckily, Zoe doesn't have an opinion about costumes yet so I got to choose for her :)

I don't know about you, but that's the cutest bumblebee I've ever seen. (I may be a bit biased)

The first house they hit was.. well, ours!

This is the aftermath of all the excitement. For some reason I don't think to take pictures during the actual fun.

But, I think we made out alright!

Beau and Zoe...

This video is so sweet, Beau loves his little sister so much. And from the looks of it, she loves him too! She is trying so hard to talk to him.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zoe's Blessing and some updates!

It's about time I posted these pictures! In my defense, I'm kind of a busy lady.. I went back to work this week which my clients are happy about, but me.. not as much. I hate leaving her and the boys, but they have a great babysitter (daddy) and I'm only gone 2 nights a week.
Gorgeous Zoe on her blessing day, 10/10/10. Daddy gave her such a beautiful blessing and it was so great to have so much family there! TJ's mom made her beautiful dress and I loved the headband with the little feathers that fluttered in the breeze.

3 of the Grandmas and cute little Lexi all loving little Zoe.

3 preggos and one recently popped! Me with my cute sister and sisters'-in-law who are all pregnant. I told them I felt left out, but not bad enough to be pregnant again! I know everyone says 3 kids is the hardest, and they weren't a-kidding. 3 kiddos is a whole new number of insanity! But we sure are loving and enjoying them!

Just some cute random pics of Zoe- chillin' with mom, smiling at her brothers, and flashing a peace sign! She looks so grown up already! At her 2 month checkup she weighed in at 10 lbs and 5 oz. And 21 and 1/2 inches long. She's my little rollie pollie. She recently started cooing and smiling at the same time, which pretty much makes my heart melt :)

Oh.. that head! This picture doesn't quite do it justice.. We were at the park, he went to jump over his backpack, his foot got caught on the straps, and down he went. Forehead meet sidewalk.. ouch! And just as it was healed, he had a little mishap with his cousins and bruised the same exact spot. :(

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Zoe is 6 weeks old!

Time flys with a newborn! Zoe is 6 weeks old today and still an angel! She looks so big in these pictures. She started smiling this week, I painted her fingernails :), and she is sporting a cute headband and bow I made for her. I am sure enjoying this little girl!

I couldn't leave out these two little fellas..

Hiking Dixie Rock..

We had a little family outing to the Dixie rock. The boys loved it of course, and Zoe was a little angel in the backpack!

Handsome boys!


Monday, August 30, 2010

Beau is 6 years old!

My baby boy turned 6 on Saturday! I know I say this every year, but I can't believe he is that old already. We celebrated at Pirate Island Pizza with Grandma and Papa Petersen and Adrie, TyAnn and Italia.

Beau's cakes have steadily gone downhill the past few years. He wanted a dinosaur and army guy cake. So we went all out and dug some dinos and GI Joes out of the toybox and stuck them on his cake. Sorry, maybe next year I will be a little more creative.

And tonight right before bed, he lost his first tooth! He is growing up way too fast!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

What a difference a girl makes..

We got Zoe's pictures taken and personally I don't think she could get any cuter. It is so different to have a little girl! She is such a good baby, only waking up once in the night to eat! We've got a little angel on our hands.

TJ's cousin Julie took the pictures. Check out her photography blog, Jules Photos. She does an awesome job! I love all of these.

2 more new posts, keep on scrolling!

Beau's First Day of School!

Beau started Kindergarten this week! He has been very excited all summer and the first day finally came..

Waiting for the bus to come, luckily the bus stop is right by the park.

And here is Luke after Beau got on the bus. He was just a little sad to see his big brother go to school without him. And I'm the mom who takes pictures of her kid crying because I'm mean like that!

Luckily, Kindergarten is only 3 hours :)

Zoe's Home!

Ok.. So she came home over a week ago, but I am just now posting the pictures.
Zoe's Story:
I went to my doctor appointment on Tuesday the 10th and went straight to work from there. I started having contractions at work, but I just worked right through them :). It was actually my last day of work and my clients were all trying to come before I left. When I went home my contractions were about 10 minutes apart. I started panicking just a little because my bag wasn't packed and I didn't want to have to call someone in the middle of the night to watch the boys. We decided to go to bed and if it was real labor I would wake up, well sure enough I woke up at 3 am with painful contractions 4 to 5 minutes apart. I tried not to wake up TJ, but with every contraction I knew I needed to get up and pack my bag. We packed up and called my Grandma (who lives very close to the hospital) and asked if we could drop of 2 sleepy boys. It was like Christmas morning watching them come to the door to take our boys. When we got to the hospital at 4:30 I was dialated to a 6. At 9:30 I was at an 8 and they broke my water. It was all fun and games until then, I choose not to get an epidural this time. It was an amazing and very painful experience. It was a lot more like the movies than I thought it would be, screaming and all! But after pushing through just 2 contractions, she was born at 11:03 a.m. She is beautiful, and such a little angel. We are so blessed to have her!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Zoe Ann Petersen....

Zoe made her entrance into the world today! She was born at 11:02 a.m. 7lbs 3 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Here are lots of pics, I will go into detail later!

....and getting cuter by the minute!