Posts tonen met het label analogue photography. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label analogue photography. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 19 oktober 2011

What tickles you?

Chopping the world into frames of beauty.

Looking through a lens even ugly chaotic environments become a place of treasures.

1. My favorite portrait of a sweet friend who is abroad at the moment (Hi C. ! :) )

2. New instax fuji film

vrijdag 28 januari 2011

This week I saw..

a lot of failed photos..

I was very excited to take my first steps in analogue photography again, ordered a polaroid film from the the-impossible-project (and polaroid films don't come cheap!) and developped my film. But.. the photos didn't turn out okay as you can see.. (polaroids are not developped well and the film has a black piece on the left side). Can somebody please help me out here?
Ps. Did love the warm feel of the analogue again though!
('This week I saw' was organized by Daan & Roos and inspired by Jill's Today I Saw)