Thursday, January 31, 2008

Making History

Today's Beautiful Thing is making history. Tonight, in my state of California, the last 2 Democratic candidates are having a debate. While I still think John Edwards was the best candidate, I can't help but feel pride that our party will nominate a woman, Hillary Clinton, or an African American, Barack Obama, (both of whom I respect very much and will gladly vote for) to run against the Republican candidate in November. Yes!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

John Edwards

Today's Beautiful Thing is John Edwards. He dropped out of the Presidential Race this afternoon, and his speech was both eloquent and empowering. John and Elizabeth Edwards are a class act, and our country has lost a great deal today. (See his speech here.)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Today's Beautiful Thing is S, my supervisor. I asked if I could leave an hour early because I wasn't feeling well. She showed care and concern and told me to leave right away. It's nice to work for someone like her.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Cheese Biscuit!

Today's Beautiful Thing is a left-over cheese biscuit from last night's Red Lobster dinner. I'm normally not a fan of the biscuit, but Red Lobster's cheese biscuits are first rate!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

My Beloved

Today's Beautiful Thing is my beloved husband. It's his birthday today! On this day, I can't help but look back on the last 23 years we've spent together and give thanks. I am so lucky to be married to this extraordinary man. I love you, honey. Happy Birthday!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Movie Time

Today's Beautiful Thing is the simple pleasure of renting a DVD. It's fun to watch a scary movie on a rainy night, and tons cheaper to rent one for $2.25 and watch it at home. :)

Friday, January 25, 2008

New Friends

Today's Beautiful Thing is comments from new friends. Tuesday I blogged for choice on my other blog, (as well as my Live Journal) Then, I checked out some of the other people who who blogged for choice as well. Some of them stopped back and said hello. It's always nice to make new friends. :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Giddy as a Schoolgirl

Today's Beautiful Thing is the excitement I felt when T told me my favorite singer from my high school days is playing some local concerts. Rock on sister Siouxsie! I hope I look that good when I turn 50. And now I'm off to plan which show I'm going to see...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Today's Beautiful Thing is the sound of raindrops on the metal roof of our patio room. I love the rain. We don't get enough of it here in So CA.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Today's beautiful Thing is the feeling of accomplishment I got when I completed all of my tasks for the day. Sigh.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Breakfast Scramble

Today's Beautiful Thing is a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs, potatoes and tortillas on a lazy holiday morning. We're not used to eating hot meals during the week, so it was a welcome change.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

TBT's 1st Anniversary

Today's Beautiful Thing is Atticus. If we hadn't adopted him on November 18, 2006, and if we hadn't lost him on January 20, 2007, there would be no Today's Beautiful Thing Blog. Thank you, Atticus.

On this day, the 1 Year Anniversary of his death, I met Michele for lunch. We talked about adopting dogs from rescues, of her sweet Diva (also a rescue, who she lost very recently), and of Atticus too. We both agreed that rescuing animals is worth it, no matter how short the time they have left. Atticus may have only been a member of our family for 2 months, but in those two months he knew love, kindness, and friendship. I know we made a difference to him, and that's all that really matters.

Rest in Peace Atticus. We'll meet again some day.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A New Look

Today's Beautiful Thing is a new look for a new year! Tomorrow marks our One Year Anniversary at Today's Beautiful Thing, so I thought a little redecorating was in order. Maybe that will be our anniversary tradition. I like the idea!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Big Dog, Little Car

Today's Beautiful Thing is a huge golden retriever, in the back seat of an itty bitty Karman Ghia, in front of me as I drove home from work. The sight made me smile.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Today's Beautiful Thing is Lulu, our sweet angel girl. When we got home from work one of her eyes was swollen shut and the other was red and scary looking. The vet determined that she was bitten or stung by a bug and had an allergic reaction. He gave her a couple of injections and she's snoring away right now--with her little buddy Ace by her side. Sometimes you don't realize how much you love someone until something happens to them. I love her so much, but seeing her eyes like that was really frightening! We thought she might need surgery or something.

Cuddle your furbabies close tonight and tell them you love them. :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A New "Me"

Today's Beautiful Thing is my new cartoon avatar. Since I wrote a new Blogger profile, I thought I'd update my "picture" too. :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Snoring, snuggly dogs

Today's Beautiful Thing is the sounds of snoring and sighing coming from the two cuddling dogs on the dog bed next to my desk. Awww!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Cinnamony goodness

Today's Beautiful Thing is Pillsbury Reduced Fat Cinnamon Rolls. They're so good, I don't know why people buy the full fat variety. :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Dog Park

Today's Beautiful Thing is the dog park. We took Ace for the first time today and he had a blast. Lulu did too. Everyone thought our dogs were the cutest. Of course they are! ;)

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Today's Beautiful Thing is writing. I pulled out an old manuscript this afternoon, and realized it was pretty good. Maybe I'll dust it off and enter it in my local chapter's writing contest this spring.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Do a little jig

Today's Beautiful Thing is The Fenians. They are a local band, and great fun to see live. Tonight there was a video of one of their concerts on TV. I watched all 90 minutes of it, doing my version of an Irish jig in the living room. Sometimes a girl's just gotta get her Ire on. :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

cute kids

Today's Beautiful Things are my friend C's children. I visited with her and sent home a couple of Pez dispensers for the kids. They called us to say thank you and we had the nicest conversation. I have been invited to a tea party with G and to play board games and video games with A. So cute.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It's the berries!

Today's Beautiful Thing is chocolate raspberry cake. Like a good girl, I bought one slice (rather than a whole cake) and I will split it with my husband. The anticipation of eating it is almost as good as actually doing so. Mmmm...

Later: I was right. The anticipation was better than the cake. I threw 1/3 of my piece away. I never do this. (I'd sooner throw a steak a way.) Go me!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Today's Beautiful Thing is Hillary Clinton. At this time (7:45 Pacific/10:45 Eastern) it looks like she's going to win the NH Democratic primary. All the polls showed her 10+ points behind Barak Obama, so this is a surprise. You go girl!

Monday, January 7, 2008

First of the First

Today's* Beautiful Thing is the dedicated voters of Dixville Notch, NH. They vote at midnight so they can be the first votes cast and tabulated. That's dedication! This year the mostly Independent voters (all 17 of them) voted for Dems over Republicans 10 to 7. Yeah!

*This qualifies as TODAY'S Beautiful Thing on 1/7/08 (even though it was 1/8/08 in Dixville Notch when they voted) since I watched the story on TV today in California.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Refrigerator Notes

Today's Beautiful Thing is a love note. I've had these refrigerator poetry magnets up for quite a while. Today I looked at them and they made me feel all warm and cozy inside. I actually wrote the notes from bottom to top. The first I left for my hubby, but he didn't reply. So, I tried a second one, but he didn't reply. I got smart and asked him a question the third time, to which he did reply, in the sweetest way.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Today's Beautiful Thing is my new red Kitchen Aid mixer. Isn't she pretty? I was able to splurge on it because of a generous gift from my fairy godmother and a fab sale at Mixer Love! Squee!

Friday, January 4, 2008


Today's Beautiful Thing is hot tea. I love a mug of tea on a cold, rainy night, whether it be herbal, black, red or white. Lipton has some new gourmet varieties that are surprisingly good. My new fave is a red tea with strawberries and passionfruit.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Barak Obama

Today's Beautiful Thing is Barak Obama, who won the Iowa Democratic caucus. Don't get me wrong, I'm still an Edwards girl, but I have to acknowledge Barak's wonderful accomplishment as well as his incredibly moving speech. Tonight he sounded a whole lot like a cross between MLK Jr. and JFK--and what could be better? You could feel his momentum grow as he found his voice, and the excitement and love of his supporters roll through the room like a tidal wave. I've had my eye on him since he ran for his IL Senate seat, and tonight he came full circle. I think he's ready now. If he ends up being the Dem's presidential nominee, I'll feel really good about it, and that makes me glad.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Good Work

Today's Beautiful Thing is going back to work after 11 days off and feeling glad to be back. I'm blessed to work for great people, doing something I believe in.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Time Off

Today's Beautiful Thing is time off with my family. Today is the last day or my vacation, and I have enjoyed it very much.

Happy New Year!