Showing posts with label Paul Morris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Morris. Show all posts

Eddie Of The Realms Eternal

Earlier this year I was hired as a creative director at Cartoon Saloon in Ireland. Most of the summer was spent helping develop several original TV series pitches... as well as a pilot for Amazon Prime... "Eddie Of The Realms Eternal." Here are a few short clips from the pilot.

Because we were a bit short handed at the studio I ended up art directing the pilot as well... with the help of some very talented young artists... and under the guidance of hot young director Paul Morris. If you are in the U.S. check out the entire pilot HERE.

Above: A few color keys and development sketches

My main job on Eddie as creative director/ art director was helping develop the look and guide the artists... which was quite an amazing crew! A mix of French, Irish, American, Thai and Polish artists!

 And yes... if you are wondering... the director LOVES purple!