Showing posts with label Poul Riishede. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poul Riishede. Show all posts

Tobar an Cheoil

Late last year I was asked to direct an Irish language music video for a series called Tobar an Cheoil. 

Above: A few promotional stills from the video.

The song I selected is called Cuirfimid Deaindí  a children's tune beautifully sung by Bernie Pháid from her album Síol. 

Traditionally babies would be bounced on a parent's knee to this song. On the highest notes of the song... the babies would be bounced to an almost atmospheric level. I wrote and designed a story inspired by the most famous baby knee bouncer in the history of Ireland.  

At the moment I'm not allowed to say or show too much about this project yet... but will slowly release more behind the scenes material after it airs in Ireland this autumn.   Slàn

Ethan Golds' "Poison"

Ethan Gold - Poison from Ethan Gold on Vimeo.

Above and below: Early concept sketches for "Poison" .

A while back musician/ producer Ethan Gold approached me about making a music video for his upcoming album "Songs from a Toxic Apartment". Some of the themes of the song "Poison" dealt with loss of innocence, and temptation. My first sketches took a bit of a biblical tone... going back to the garden of Eden. Though this time, the garden was set in a modern city.

Below and above: Ethan liked the first sketches, but felt that perhaps I was being too literal. But he liked the image of a fiery haired woman.

Below: Somehow she evolved into a sort of fiery biker chick.

Lee Croudy, Poul, Parn, Tu, Ingo, and a lot of the guys at "The Monk" studio pitched in for fun... sketching, and playing around with ideas. One of the animators, Lom, had an idea of plugging LAN lines directly into the head of the innocent character. I thought it would be nice if the streaming information would slowly taint the character throughout the video. I did some sketches based on this idea using a weird baby character... which Ethan really liked.

below: I am a big Hugh Ferriss fan, and have always wanted to do a project that was "Ferriss-like". I made the sketch below cobbling together photos I found on the internet. Ethan liked the feel... so we made the city in 3D... and went into production.

Below: More concept color sketches, which I painted over the rough 3D playblasts animated by Ingo Schachner at the MONK studio. Working with Poul Riishede, and Salvador Simo who put the video together in composite. The video is meant to have a sort of primitive, low tech, video game look to it... as if seen through the eyes of a kid that has slowly been sucked into an evil digital realm.

Done as a sort of a side project... with a tiny budget, and little time... It was fun to do something a little different, and quirkier than usual.

I wish Ethan the best of luck on his upcoming album!

Check for updates on
Ethan Golds site.