Showing posts with label concept design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label concept design. Show all posts

The Prodigal- concept sketches

Our animated short The Prodigal is finishing its festival run and can be viewed at:

We’ve also translated the film into over 40 languages, and are trying to put it into more.

While many of our concepts were made in paper cut-outs I managed to do a few exploratory sketches. Atmosphere and landscapes became characters in the film.

Ultimately we would like to create 37 short films. One for each parable.
We are trying to raise funds for the next two shorts.

21Martyrs short film- Concepts 1

For the past few months we’ve been developing an animated short film project about the 21 migrant workers who were beheaded for their Christian faith in 2015.

A still from the film released on Jan 15th 2015 showing the beheadings.

Here are a few exploratory concept sketches, inspired in part by Coptic and Orthodox Icons. We are trying to capture the emotion of the story with line, color and texture.

To read more about, or donate to the project please visit: HERE

Noosa Yoghurt spots

Above: Concepts and final images for several Noosa Yoghurt commercials.
Produced at House Special Productions, Directed by Aaron Sorensen

The Prodigal and 37Stories.

Concept art from "The Prodigal."

For the last year we have been developing a short film inspired by the biblical story of the Prodigal Son.

As we enter production, we are trying to raise finishing funds.

The Prodigal is what we hope will be the first of 37 short films based on biblical parables.
If you are interested in learning more about the project or contributing to the film... please visit