Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Boo bear is 3!

Sleepy boy not even knowing he had balloons everywhere!

His balloons!

Opening his first b-day present! I made him wait all day to open anymore, i know i am mean!

He got a "chow-chow" aka Cars scooter for his birthday, to bad the first ride he ended up falling and scraping his head, poor kid!

He loved being sung to!

I can't believe how fast time flies, but my baby has now turned 3. A lot of the times i don't feel like he is 3 since he still talks gibberish and refuses to go potty, but what can i do, i love the little guy way to much!
We started his b-day celebrations at my brothers house. It has become a tradition to have a BBQ the Sunday before memorial day which always ends up being the Sunday before T's b-day so we celebrate it there. My beloved Aunt Paula made him the most awesome cake ever! Tyler really wanted Toy Story so she made him this amazing 2-layer cake which I don't have a picture of, i need to get it from my mom's camera. It was so amazing it took 5 cake mixes, insane!!
On his real birthday which was the 31st of May I got one of those helium tanks you can fill up balloons with and filled his room with balloons while he was asleep, really for $20 i would have expected them to last longer than a couple hrs but he still loved having all the balloons around. Then that morning i took him to the discovery gateway, it is his favorite place to go so we went with Isaac, his favorite person, and Angie and Callie. He had a blast and the best part was it wasn't busy so you could actually enjoy being there. After that we got some ice cream and let the kids run through the fountain, it was a lot of fun. Then that night when Daddy got home we went to his 2nd favorite place to eat, Famous Dave's. He really would have rather had McDonald's but i refused. I had made him a train cake, wasn't to impressive but he was excited! Overall he had a great birthday and still can't believe my baby is 3!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I'm just now reading this, I think your train cake turned out cute!!!