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Viser innlegg med etiketten iceland. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten iceland. Vis alle innlegg

2. desember 2011

♥ 2 ♥ Toasty, twisty, tweedy

A free cowl pattern from me to you, via Knitting Iceland.

Photo borrowed from Knitting Iceland
My parents went to Iceland, and came back with some beautiful skeins of Lettlopi for me. I wanted to make something to combine the colors of the four skeins, and I thought: a cowl. I wanted a pattern that could work from both sides, and was quite happy when I found this tweedy, slip stitch pattern. Just for fun, I decided to twist it too.

"Right" side

"Wrong" side
 The Lettlopi yarn comes in many beautiful colours, so there are endless possibilities.

Photo borrowed from Knitting Iceland

22. november 2010

Icelandic goodies

My parents went to Iceland, and look what they brought back to me:


Kristin, my mother's friend in Reykjavik, meant I should also try Loðband Einband (Icelandic Laceweight).

I want to go to Iceland too! Maybe next year...

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