Showing posts with label Challenge 130 - Its a sketch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Challenge 130 - Its a sketch. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Challenge 130 - its a sketch

OK who exactly ordered winter again???  I mean come on its been flipping freezing!  But then again we do have a bank holiday coming up so I think there's a law that the weather has to be foul.  Its certainly been that in spades.  I mean I saw people today dressed like it was November - I was one of them!  I heard a whisper that some parts might even have a bit of that nasty white stuff! ~shivers~

So its good to see that lots of you stayed in and played Gorjuss with us.  As always the RPT has done his stuff and he's picked Helen  Email me your details with the challenge number in the title and I'll sort your prize out.

So onto this weeks challenge - well its that time of the month again which means its a sketch!  It also means we're sponsored by the fabulous Joanna Sheen So one lucky person Gets £10 to spend in that super online shop!

So are you ready?

This is the sketch - nice and easy and you can twist or turn it if you like.

And some inspiration for you from the Gorjussettes.

So there you go folks how fabulous are those?  So you've got the perfect excuse to stay in and make something!

Please remember the rules ;-))